After long discussion and many concessions from Mr. Gladstone of
a nature to provide that the Grand Committees should never sit at times when the House is in Session, the first resolution of the second. series on Procedure was at length agreed to on Thursday night in the following. form :—" That two Standing Committees be appointed for the consideration of all Bills re- lating to Law and Courts of Justice and Legal Procedure, and to trade, shipping, and manufactures, which may, by order of the House, in each case, be committed to them ; and the Pro- cedure in such Committees shall be the same as in a Select Committee, unless the House shall otherwise order : provided that strangers shall be admitted, except when the Committee shall order them to withdraw ; provided also that the said Committees shall be excluded from the opera- tion of the Standing Order of July 21,1856, and the said Com- xnittees shall not sit, whilst the House is sitting, without the order of the House ; provided also, that any notice of amend- ment to any clause iu a Bill which may be committed to a Standing Committee given by any honourable Meniber in the House shall stand referred to such Committee ; provided also that twenty be the quorum of such Standing Committees."