Yesterday Week, Lord Salisbury Made A Speech To 4,000 Con-
sorvatives in the Edinburgh Corn Exchange, and, on the whole, a very dull speech it was, though we cannot often charge Lord Salisbury's speeches with being dull. His chief point......
The Queen Has Done An Act Which Is Of Much
more import- ance in the world of Art than might be supposed, by granting to the members of the Royal Water-colour Society in Pall Mall ' the distinction of a diploma signed by......
But, To Our Minds, The Important Part Of The Report
lies in the appendix. From that it appears that on the O'Connor jury, all the jurors were Protestants,—eighteen Catholics and two Protestants having been sot aside by th'e......
Cambridge University Is, At The Present Moment At All...
'Conservative by nearly three to one. Mr. Raikes,—a very strong partisan, and by no means a man of high learning or other academical reputation,—was on Tuesday returned for the......
Lord R. Churchill Mixes Caution With His Impudence. On...
a deputation from Manchester waited on him to ask him to contest the city at the next general election, but he 'declined, saying that he should sever his connection with Wood-......
A Strange Murder In Belgium, Called. The "bernays...
attracting the attention of all Europe. An engineer, named Armand Peltzer, is accused of instigating his brother L6on to murder M. Bernays, a Belgian advocate, in order that he,......
The London School-board Elections Have, On The Whole,...
satisfactorily, though one or two very useful mem- bers of the old School Board have been rejected, and one or two very unsatisfactory candidates have been returned. Still, the......
Tho Report Of The House Of Commons Committee On The
imprisonment of Mr. Gray by Mr. Justice Lawson for contempt of Court has been finally presented to the House since its return 'to the Committee to be amended for a technical......
Console Were On Friday 102k To 1021. Bank Rate, 6
per cent.......