The Sultan is still trembling for his personal safety. He
has arrested Fuad Pasha, the youngest Marshal of the Army, and a favourite of the soldiers, with several other officers, on a charge of plotting his removal and the elevation of his brother, Raschiel,. to the throne. It is alleged, on the one hand, that this order was obtained by false representations from Osman Ghazi,. the defender of Plevna,, who hates Fuad Pasha ; and,. on the other, that Fuad was really privy to some plot,. It is admitted by both sides that the Marshal indulged before his officers in unmeasured abuse of the Sultan and predictions of the ruin of the Empire, and Turkish dig- nitaries do not speak in that way unless they mean to take- action. A Circassian regiment, too, quartered in the capital was suddenly disbanded and the men removed, while new guards were placed in the interior of the Palace. Whatever the, truth, the menace came from the reforming party, which originally placed Abdul Harnid on the throne, but which alwaya fights with this disadvantage,—that the three living forces in Constantinople, the Sultan, the Army, and the Mussulman mob, are all arrayed. against it.