2 DECEMBER 1882, Page 24

Ssamoxs.—Portraits of Heroes. By the Rev. Arthur McArthur. (Nisbet and

Co.)—Under this title, we have a small volume of ser- mons, called by their author a practical exposition of the eleventh chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. They are very strictly orthodox in tone, and are characterised by more earnestness than power.— Another volume, of about the same size, is Footprints : Sermons on Scripture Characters, by the Rev. Hartley Carmichael, B.A. (Williams and Norgate.)—These are also orthodox, but sensible discourses. Their subjects are chosen more from the narratives of warning than from those of encouragement, but the lesson of each is well brought out,—tbat is, if we are right in considering them as the utterance of a young man, but one who is striving to think for himself, rather than to imitate others. One of the best is on "Jonah, the Self-conscious ;" and the two on John the Baptist are also interesting and instructive.