IN LOTUS-LAND JAPAN. By Herbert G. Ponting. (Dent. 18s. net.)
The book of which this is a revised edition was originally published twelve years ago. It is a book well worth reissue. Mr. Ponting's style is undistinguished and he often, more especially when he becomes enthusiastic, indulges in the clichés and pseudo-poetical rhapsody of the guide-book; but Mr. Ponting has seen so much of Japan and is so awake to its beauties that we are more than willing to tolerate his literary shortcomings for the sake of the wonderful and delightful things which he describes. Notable among his experiences is a thrilling ascent of the sacred mountain, Fuji. The book is illustrated with many excellent photographs taken by Mr. Ponting himself. The wonderful pictures of Fuji from every variety of view-point in themselves make the book a delightful possession. It is interesting to compare them, and also the photographs of waterfalls, with the famous series of colour-prints by the great Hokusai • indeed, Mr. Ponting almost deserves to be dubbed the liokusai of the Camera. The coloured illustrations are, for the most part, much less beautiful than the rest. Some of them distressingly recall the Chocolate-Box School. The book will make an unusually delightful gift-book.