The Girl's Own Annual. (r.t.s. 13s.)
This thick volume is something between a playbook and a workbook. It might perhaps be called a Hobby Book. Any big girl who is interested in making clothes or puddings —or how......
The Schoolgirl's Annual Is Not Of The Best Type Of
old- fashioned children's book. The stories are all directed by • way of sentimentality to edification, and will, we should think, entirely fail to please the modern child, who......
The Sunday At Home. (r.t.s. 13s.)
The latest volume of The Sunday at Home contains a great deal of good reading. The special articles are, we think, better than the stories. Opening the book at random, we came......
British Museum Christmas Cards.
The Trustees of the British Museum have recently published five sets of cards illustrating the Nativity and the Epiphany. It is suggested that these should be used as Christmas......
Mrs. Strang's Annual For Children. (milford. 5s. Net.)
Mrs. Strang's Annual for Children is a delightful collec- tion of stories, verses and pictures. Some of the stories are of the present day and relate the holiday and school......
The Scout. Volume Xvii. For 1922. (c. Arthur Pearson. 10s.
6d. net.) The unfortunate boy who has never seen a copy of The Scout should be enriched with this massive tome of eleven hundred pages. The numberless stories of adventure and......
The Oxford Annual For Scouts Is Quite Without The Faults
of most of the annuals. It is, we mean, without the juvenile detective element. There are no stories about who committed that breach of discipline and who is to be punished for......
Herbert Strang's Annual. (milford. 5s. Net.) A Mixed Bag Of
school and adventure stories, articles on laying submarine cables and subjects of equal appeal to the boyish mind ; bright coloured illustrations, and cartoons by Mr. George......
Good Hearty Schoolboy Tales Of An Excellent Diversity....
adventure stories, school stories, and humorous stories are mixed with instructive articles on camping, photography, boxing, motor-cycles, botany, and travel.......
Young England. Annual Volume. (pilgrim Press. 7s. 6d.)...
stories in this annual would go into two categories— the pseudo-heroic and the sentimental. Orgies of cinema violence brought to a successful conclusion by super-boys alternate......
The Boy's Own Annual. (r.t.s. 13s.)
The Boy's Own Annual is poor as compared with the girl's. Tales of wild adventure alternate with sentimental school stories. There is far too much about great, stern......
Some Books Of The Week.
( Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.) THE ROUND TABLE. (Macmillan. 5s. net.) The December issue of this admirable quarterly deals with......
Blackie's Girls' Annual. (blaekie And Son. 5s.) This Book...
be really useful in the Christmas holidays. It does not entirely depend for its attraction upon its fiction. A little play well worth the consideration of the schoolroom ;......
Mrs. Strang's Annual For Girls Consists Mostly Of School...
of the type that represents school life more as a setting for games than for work, and so may prove somewhat mis- leading to girls who have not gone to school as juniors. The......