2 DECEMBER 1938, Page 42


Starting with the youngest :

Little Lamb, by Dahris Martin and Lilly Somppi (Collins, 5s.), is just right for quite small children with its lilting story and plenty of repetition. There is repetition too in What to Do about Molly, by Marjorie Flack (Bodley Head, 3s. 6d.). Molly sits on the pier and hears the clock strike and catches a big fish.

Babette, by Clare Turlay Newberry (Hamilton, 4s. Od.), will appeal as a picture book to cat lovers of all ages. The Siamese kitten is even more attractive than last year's Mittens. Munro Leaf and Ludwig Bemehnans have produced a book about a dachshund, Noodle (Hamilton, 3s. 6d.), which is as suitable, if not more so, for grown-ups. Mr. Heine, another dachshund, digs up the garden and gets stung on the nose. By M. A. and A. S. Beistle (Harrap, 2S. 6d.).

John's Dragon, by Jack Bechdolt and Decie Mer- win (0.U.P.;2s.), tells of a friendly dragon whose size and habit of breath- ing sparks and smoke caused ill feeling among the neighbours. Rene Worley and Roberts Johnson with Niki Takes Holiday (Michael Joseph, 3s. 6d.), have at least two eyes on the parents, but children too will, find the draw- ings funny and enjoy the circus horse's esca- pade in the country.

The Stage Struck Seal, by James Hull (Black- well, 2S. 6d.), is a grand nonsense tale of two children with a pet elephant who make friends with the richest man in the world and his pet seal, Prudence. They all run a circus and Prudence gets a bit above herself. Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson have Wee Gillis this year (Hamilton, 4s. 6d.). About a little boy who combines his highland and lowland education with resounding success.