Stories For Girls
There are plenty more to choose from, but here is a good half dozen. The first four deal in magic; One of the best for ages 6 to 9 is The Adventures of the Little Wooden Horse,......
Some Others
The Royal Air Force, by , Monk and Winter (Blackie, 3s. 6d.). Thoroughly practical. There is a brief history of the R.A.F., and an account of the qualifications required of a......
Story Books For Children
Starting with the youngest : Little Lamb, by Dahris Martin and Lilly Somppi (Collins, 5s.), is just right for quite small children with its lilting story and plenty of......
Ponies—and A Puma
Joanna Carman is unbeatable. Another Pony for Jean (Coffins, 8s. 6d.) is a successor to her first book, though it is complete in itself. Jean's first hunt is a flop, and so is......