2 DECEMBER 1972, Page 27

The best man to hand

Sir: Your article 'The best man to hand' does a gross injustice to Senator George McGovern.

The McGovern reforms, instituted after the 1968 Presidential election, can be welcomed for they have removed once and for all the dominance of the state party bosses and have made the whole process of electing a candidate for nomination more democratic. Moreover, your article seems to condone such deplorable activities when you say that McGovern's thrashing should be welcomed for it will remove "much of the chaff and nonsense which has been stuffed into the Democratic Party in recent years by the trendy propagandists of the new politics."

McGovern's sincerity is unquestioned and I feel that it is a great shame that America has rejected a man of principle for a man whose own public career has been marred by corruption and scandal.

Andrew Allen

Low Royd, Green Hammerton, York.