2 DECEMBER 1972, page 27

Letters To The Editor

Still time in Ulster From Lord Monson Sir: There is still just time to avert the grim scenario predicted for Ulster by the experienced observers Patrick Cosgrave interviewed......


Sir: The Government Green Paper on the future of Northern Ireland relies heavily on the Cameron Report to support a general charge of discrimination against the Unioniet......


From the Revd John Pearce Sir: Mr Powell may well have been right, as well as charitable, when he asked whether the President had taken leave of his senses. One hesitates to......

Into Europe

Sir: Two or three things I am tiring of: . 1. The assumption that those in favour of EEC entry have " logic" on their side while those against have only "emotion." 2. Phrases in......

From Mrs Joyce Mew Sir: On Concluding Its Deliberations, The

summit conference issued a communique in which it was made clear that the intention of the EEC is "to transform the whole complex of their relations into a European Union." From......


From Sir John Heygate Sir: I have only just read Christopher Hollis's review of The Unknown Orwell in your November 4 issue. Mr Hollis agrees with the author that Eric Blair......

Waugh Bash

Sir: I would like to think that LtCol A. N. Skinner is completely and utterly alone in his sentiments concerning Auberon Waugh's choice of books for review (Letters. Novembei......

Sir: Colonel Skinner (november 18) Is Not Alone In...

Mr Waugh seems incapable of reviewing a book, except at rare intervals, without making overt reference to its sexual passages, commenting thereon in his own particular way and......

From Alderman Cecil F. Baker Sir: I Was Pleased To

read the letter from Lt-Col Skinner and agree wholeheartedly with the contents of it. It is a great pity that Auberon Waugh wastes his undoubted talents on reviewing such......

Journey To James Bay

Sir: I am writing a book on the voyage of Captain Thomas James, who journeyed to what is now James Bay in Northern Ontario, from Bristol in 1631. His expedition was financed by......

The Best Man To Hand

Sir: Your article 'The best man to hand' does a gross injustice to Senator George McGovern. The McGovern reforms, instituted after the 1968 Presidential election, can be......

Rhodesian Realities

Sir: Patrick Cosgrave (November 18) speaks of General Gowan's 'fanatical ' dislike of the Smith regime in Rhodesia and describes him as being ' implacably and blindly hostile'......