Beware of Italians
From Mr Angus Cater Sir: How relieved I was to read Colin Bostock-Smith's account of his experience of 'Italians' at the Scratchwood service sta- tion on the M1 (Italian lesson', 18 Novem- ber).
Three months ago I was walking down Pall Mall towards Trafalgar Square, enjoy- ing the sunshine after an excellent lunch at the Reform Club. A smart BMW drew up alongside me and an 'Italian' asked me if I could help him resolve a problem. He told me he had been attending an exhibition and had to get rid of the last few pieces of stock before returning to Italy that after- noon. Being a salesman and never able to resist a bargain, I looked curiously at the leather and suede jackets on his back seat. These were 'the best-quality garments being offered at the give-away price of £350'. After much haggling we agreed, grudgingly on his part, to £70 for two jack- ets. One for my 22-year-old son and one for myself.
When I got home my wife was incredu- lous at my stupidity and informed me that they were fakes. My son promptly turned his nose up at his, and I have only been allowed to wear mine as far as the kitchen before being made to take it off. I blame my chronic gullibility on the Reform claret. Beware of 'Italians' bearing gifts.
Angus Cater
Barns Green, West Sussex