Age Of Consent
From Mr Alexander Walker Sir: Roger Alton in his Diary (25 Novem- ber) regrets that the film Billy Elliot wasn't classified with a more lenient certificate, so that his......
Blasphemy And Europe
From Dominique-Georges Many Sir: In his article 'Now it's blasphemy to mock Europe' (18 November), Mr Ambrose Evans-Pritchard makes refer- ence to the 'European Court's emerging......
Laughable Kinnock
From Mr Christopher D. Kelly Sir: The Spectator reports that Neil ICinnock (`Kinnock: the pound is bloody doomed', 25 November) wanted an enabling referen- dum on UK entry soon......
Nasty Pigs
From Anne Gwynn Sir: While sympathising with Barry Unsworth's problems in Umbria (`They even kill cats', 18 November), here in Piemonte we have more cause to back our local......