Threat to legal aid
From Mr Stanley Best Sir: In publishing my letter under the head- ing 'Pass the parcel' (18 November), there was an unfortunate printer's error.
At the conclusion of my letter I said that country solicitors in small towns were being 'driven out by New Labour's hatred of jus- tice and the Legal Aid scheme', whereas you have represented my words as indicating that solicitors were being driven out of small towns by the Legal Aid scheme. This is, of course, far from the truth. It is the absence of legal aid which is causing problems, both for the public and for the solicitors in small firms who hitherto would have helped them with their problems. The latest announce- ment that those having equity of £3,000 and upwards in their own houses would be ineli- gible for legal aid is further proof of this gov- ernment's detestation of justice.
Stanley Best
Chairman, British Legal Association, Swansea