2 FEBRUARY 1850, Page 15


TILE combined pressure of Parliament, Advertisements, and the Index for 1849, has induced the publication of a Supplement; where reviews of the following works will be found.

1. Life of Davit Scott, the Artist.

2. Thomas Carlyk's Latter-Day Pamphlets.

3. Herman Melville's White jacket.

4. The Bye-Lanes and Dotans of England.

The coup d'eeil of the week's literary arrivals will be found as usual in Mu list of


Although the number of the week's publications is considerable, and many of them seem of a kind to require notice, we are not so sure from a cursory examination, that the inward substance will support the external promise. The name and circumstances of the author will challenge attention for Guizot's book on the Revolutions of the Seventeenth Century. Washington Irving's Life of


Mahomet would seem entitled claim a *milsr attention, but we are not certain of it. Mr. Irving is not exactly equal to history at the beat, still less to a subject like Mahomet. Nor, indeed, has the author aimed at much. The original sketch was drawn up many years ago, at Madrid, in- tended as an introduction to a "series of writings illustrative of the Arab domination in Spain." It was then revised for Mr. Murray's Family Library, but not printed. It was again revised in Spain, during " a lingering mdis- position," ; the author taking advantage of some new lights. At last it ap- pears in a well-looking octavo ; but no pretension is made to new discoveries, or new views. The aim has been to weave the admitted facts in the life of Ma- home; and the legends connected with his name and faith, into an attractive narrative ; which seems to have been done.

Miss Martineau's History of England appears to push to exaggeration her usual faults of introducing her own opinions too frequently and of rendering her commentary predominant over the subject. But we have little doubt that the contemporary interest of the subject, the fulness of matter, the vigour of the narrative, and the force of the remarks, will render this the most instructive and valuable volume of the week, whether we may be able to retain to it or not Dr. Bryee's "Ten Years of the Church of Scotland" is also a contemporary history (except an historical introduction of some 250 pages, that commences with the Papal period) ; but it seems to lack the power that characterizes Miss Martineau's work. Dr. Bryce is a strong defender of the Establishment., of which he is an active and able member ; but we fear his book, though well planned and well executed, will be found deficient in life and portraiture— the only modes by which such a subject as the late differences in the Scottish Church can be made interesting to readers beyond the pale. The Reverend Mr. Johnstone's "Israel after the F is a book where history is made 'subordinate to religious philosophy. Mr. Johnstone -has searched theologians and the Scriptures in a vain attempt to find in the Old Testament a system of individual justification, or a promise of eternal life. Judaism was not designed for these things, but to introduce them. The ob- ject of the work Is to establish this view ; a few collateral topics—as the errors of the Rabbins, and the probable conversion of the Jews—coming in to round the subject. "Thoughts on Self-Culture" is another of the many books addressing wo- men on the subject of morals, manners, and mental training, that have ap- peared of late years. In such works the matter, and to a great extent the views, must of necessity be similar • the freshness must lie in the mode of urging them. This work has a more solid style (but not at all ponderous) than is often met with in books on domestic didactics ; and the writers aim at showing haw to do what is directed to be done.

Of the two fictions we entertain misgivings. The first requisite in a novelist, especially. when he wanders beyond his own age and nation into the distant past, is that dramatic power which enables him to paint the manners of different and distant peoples, if not exactly as they were, yet like enough to be taken for them. We have some doubts whether .Mr. Huyghue's "Ellen Clayton," a Canadian story during the period. of the con- tests between the French and English colonists, possesses this. desideratum. We have no doubt about Mrs. Webb's deficiency, and as little that her want of imagination will prevent her from properly handling a martyr story of primitive Christianity.

On the Causes of the Success of the English Revolution of 1610-1688.

- A Discourse designed as an Introduction to the History of the Reign of Charles the First. By M. Guizot.

Lives of Mahomet and his Successors. By Washington Irving. Intwo volumes. Volume I.

The History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace, 1816-1846. By Harriet Martineau. Volume IL 1830-1846.

Ten Years of the Church of Scotland, from 1833 to 1843. With Histo- rical Retrospect from 1560. By James Bryce, D.D. In two volumes.

Israel after the Flesh ; the Judaism of the Bible separated from its Spiritual Religion. By William Henry Johnstone, 31.A., Chaplain of Addiscombe.

Thoughts an Self-Culture addressed to Women. By Maria G. Grey, and her sister, Emily diirref4 Authors of "Passion and Principle," &c. In two volumes.

Ellen Clayton ; or the Nomades of the West. By S. Douglass S. Huy- ghue. In three volumes.

The Martyrs of Carthage. "A Tale of the Times of Old." By Mrs. J. B. Webb, Author of "Naomi," &c. In two volumes.

The week has produced a fair number of reprints, revisecteditiona, or books

that fall under that head. Humboldt's "Views of Nature," Bohn's Scientific Library, is the same work we noticed in the autumn under the title of "Aspects of Nature." The Handbook of Games, from the same pub- lisher and forming part of the same library, is a very extensive and elaborate book ; generally based on some established treatise, sometimes rewritten altogether, new matter being extensively incorporated, in other cases only additions are made.

Views of Nature; or Contemplations of the Sublime Pluenomena of Creation.; with Scientific Illustrations. By Alexander Von Humboldt. Translated from the German by C. E. ■:)tte and Henry G. Bohn. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) The Handbook of Game& Written or compiled by Professors and Ama- teurs. Edited by Henry G. Bohn. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) _History of Europe, from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. By Archibald Alison, LLD., F.R.S.E. New edition, with Portraits. Volume XI.

The Bible History of the Holy Land. By John Xitto, D.D. Illustrated with numerous wood-cuts. Second edition. The Life-Booko f a Labourer; or the Curate with his Trials, Sorrows, Checks, and Triumphs. By Erskine Neale, ILL, Rooter of Kirton, Suffolk. Second edition.

Sketches of Cantabs. By John Smith, (of Smith Hall,) Gent. With two Illustrations by Hablcrt K. Browne. Second edition.

The books in the following list are tracts or pamphlets in the form of small volumes ; "Crime and Punishment," and "Penal Discipline," being rather coarsely printed.

Tax on Successions, and Burdens on Land, &c. By P. B. Brodie, Esq, Barrister-at-law.

Rational Medicine; a Vindication. The Address delivered on the Opening of the New School of Medicine, Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh, 6th November 1849. With an Appendix. By Alexander Wood,


A System of Penal Discipline; with a Report on the Treatment of Pri- soners in Great Britain and Van Diemen's Land. By the Reverend Henry Phibbs Fry, A.B., Rector of the parish of St George, Hobart Town.

Crime and Punishment; or the question How should we Treat our Criminals ? practically considered. By R. Horenden.

The Plantation Scheme; or the West of Ireland as a Field for Invest- ment. By James Caird, Farmer, Baldoon.

Pinaeothecee Historicee Specimen ; sive Illustrium quorundam Ingcnia, Mores, Fortunn, ad ineriptionum formam expressai. Auctore F. EL- vert, MA. Pars secunda.

[A scholar's exercise • for it is too laboriously thoughtful to be called amuse- ment Scriptural, historical, theological, litermy, and other eminent persons, are arranged in classes, with their " character " presented in the form of the Latin "inscription."] Margaret; an Olden Tale.

[A narrative in ballad verse of a martyrdom at Antioch, the saint being vainly tempted by her affections to desert her religion.] ILLUSTRATED Woaxs arm Pazarra. Portraits Of T B. Macaulay and Sydney Smith.

[Two delicate and effective engravings by Gniatbach. The likenesses scarcely come up to the mark : Lord Jeffrey's coadjutor in the Eclinbuegh Review does not display in the engraving that bnIliant animation of eye for which he was noted ; and the Macaulay of the picture lacks in force what it has gained in softness and handsomeness on the original—it is the St. James's Teresina half-way towards being converted into a girL] Napoleon's Eagle. Engraved by Ryall, from the Original Drawing of Edwin Landseer, R.A.

[The same engraving which we noticed on the 24th November. The im- pression before us is a very beautiful specimen of printing.]

Portraits of Illustrious Personage, of Great Britain. With Bio phical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. By mund Lodge,. Esq., F.S.A. In eight volumes. Volumo IV. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.)


Latter-Day Pamphlets. Edited by Thomas Carlyle. No. I. February. The Present Time.

The Vegetarian Messenger; a Quarterly Magazine : designed to aid in the extensive diffusion of true principles in relation to the Food of Man, &c. Part L January.

The Ladies Companion at Home and Abroad. Edited by Mrs. Loudon. Part L January.


On Probate Courts. By Thomas Falconer, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law.

The Tithe-Owner's Tale; or a Bleat from the Pastures. By a Black Sheep.

High Fanning Vindicated and Farther Illustrated. By James Caird, karma Baldoon ; Author of "High Fanning under Liberal Cove- nants,"' &c.

Freedom of Agriculture; or the Necessity for adequate Compensation for Permanent Improvements. By Samuel M. Green, Esq., Barrister- at-law.

Analysis of the Evidence given before the Select Committees upon the Slave-Trade. By a Barrister.

London (Watford) Spring-Water Company. Report to the Directors. By S. C. Homeani, Esq., C.E.

Hints on Church Colonrzation. By James Cecil Wynter, M.A., Rector of Gatton.

Chaplain's Report on the Preston House of Correction. 1849.

The Privy Council and the National Society. The Question concerning the Management of the Church of England Schools, Stated and Ex- amined. By Henry Parr Hamilton, M.A., F.R.S., Ike.

Beason and Faith, their Claims and Conflicts. Reprinted from "The Edinburgh Review," No. CLXXXIL, October 1849. With an Appen- dix, &c. By Henry Rogers.

Recent Disturbances cud Military Executions in Ceylon. By J. Forbes, into Lieutenant-Colonel Seventy-eighth Highlanders.

Calumny of Mr. Rigby against Lord Clarendon Confuted and Chastised. A Vindication of the Bardie Accounts of the Early Invasions of Ire- land. With a Verification of the River-Ocean of the Greeks. Part I.