2 FEBRUARY 1850, page 14

Office Of Coroner.

FORKERLY, if you wanted to drive a man out of public life, you called him a Radical, or a Materialist : now, no institution seems to be proof against the charge of costliness.......

- Fra_ncis Jeffrey-

Tees news of Francis leffiefs death carries the mind back to times from which we are separated by twenty years of bustling and -noisy if not creative agitation. Since he......

Protectionist Ribandisil

RENAISSANCE is to go beyond the raising of mediseval architecture; to the restoration of mediwval weapons ; and even in England, the stiletto is to be transferred from that......

To The Editor Of The Spectator.

.1faa'eira, 29th December 1849. The undersigned—a constant reader of the Spectator—trusts he may be excused for asking the editor to take charge of and forward to their destina-......