C4r Vruniurro.
The repmentation Of Colchester has been suddenly vacated by Sir George Henry Sm ; at whose suggestion, a deputation has been ap- pointed to wait on Lord George Manners with a request that he become a candidate.
The meeting of the Rutland Protectionists, at the Castle, Oakham, on Monday, was influential and unanimous. The High Sheriff presided; Lord Burghley, M.P., Viscount Campden, M.P., the Honourable G. J. Noel, M.P., Mr. Heatheote, M.P., and Mr. Stafford, M.P., were present. The resolutions asserted the existence of distress amongst agriculturists, occasioned by the unlimited competition of untaxed foreign produce, "unparalleled for severity in the annals of British industry." Lord Campden spoke of the high and noble sentiments of love and zeal for the honour and glory of England with which our statesmen were wont to be actuated, instead of the miserable system of concession to„popular cla- mour and the importunity of noisy and hireling .agitators. Such a states- man is still left in Lord Stanley • and under leadership, and that of the "well-tried farmers' friend 'the Duke of Richmond," they would hoist the "great banner of the plough, the loom, and the soil." Mr. G. Wortley consigned Cobden to an ignominious grave—
"The principles of Protection will still flourish green and strong, when he
'Doubly dying, shall go down To the base earth from whence be sprung.
Unwept, unhonour'd, and unsung."
Mr. Cheetham, a tenant-farmer, is reported to have gone much greater lengths of personality ; concluding thus, in the report of the Morning Chronicle-- The phantoms of ruined farmers must haunt the sleeping pillow of Sir Ro- bert 'Peel. Knowinghowmuchhewasexecrated.jie really should think he must move about in fear and dread. Even if Sir Robert Peel should ever have a majority again, he dared not take office. He knew that if he was in Sir Ro- bert Peel's position, he should be afraid of the poniard and the dagger ; and ' so he had a right to—(Interruption' and cries "No e)—He should be' sorry to say what he did not feel, but he thought he was justified in saying what he had, seeing what a narrow escape Peel once had, when he was not so much execrated as he is now. (Disapprobation.) He believed that Cob- den and Peel were travelling the same road. Peel, he was informed, had a strong grudge against the aristocracy, because one of them in the House of Lords once called him a weaver's son. Sir Robert Peel's son need not be afraid of being called a weaver's son or a weaver's grandson, but he would be called "the traitor's son." (" Hear, hear !")
Mr. Stafford, M.P., entered a protest against the tendency of Mr. Cheetham's remarks.
"I begin by saying to Mr. Cheetham, not that I disagree with him, but strongly with the interpretation which perhaps our enemies may put upon some of the words he has spoken. (Cheers.) It will be uppermost in your minds at once to feel that I allude to that part of his speech in which reference was made to one high in office formerly, who entered office on our shoulders, and who then did nothing more nor less than betray us. (Cheers.) But I am sure Mr. Chcetham never meant to say, and I am sure the farmers of my native county never would respond to him if he did, that there should ever be any weapons used against that or any other individual than those which the farmers of England always have used upon similar occasions—namely, the weapons of 1uIi fair, and free discussion, and open criticism on the public conduct of public men. (Loud cheers.) I remember to have been in the House of Commons when that dreadful event to which Mr. Cheethaun has referred took place in the open street in broad day. I remember too how great was the horror of that flagitious deed felt not only by his private friends, but I am sure shared in common by every Englishman of whatever polities or class. (Loud and prolonged cheers.) It would ill become us to pass over words which might bear an ill interpretation, and not to disarm our enemies of the weapons which they might use." (Cheers.)
The County meeting at Brecon ended in a signal defeat of the Protec- tionists. Called by themselves, well attended, with Colonel Pearce the High Sheriffa man of their own party but of impartial mind, for Chair- man, it ended in the carrying of a Free-trade amendment by a decided Majority.
'• The County meeting at Bedford began in favour of the Protectionists, but ended in a virtual defeat. The townsmen of Bedford at the last moment crowded into the place of meeting, outnumbered the Protectionists, and threatened to carry Anti-Protectionist resolutions; to prevent which, the Chairman dissolved the meeting prematurely.
Mr. Cobden and Mr. Bright delivered in the Free-trade Hall at Man- chester, on Wednesday evening, their parting addresses before proceeding to Parliament for the session. Mr. George Wilson took the chair ; Mr. Henry, M.P., Mr. Brown, M.P., Mr. Kershaw, M.P., and Sir Edward Armitage, were on the platform ; and the general audience has been estimated at "about eight thousand inhabitants, male and female." The speeches of the two Free-trade leaders were so much of the current staple' that a brief notice of Mr. Colxlen's will suffice. Mr. Cobden denied point-blank the constant assertion by the Protectionist orators at the recent meetings that "aid the groat interests of the country are going to ruin." From his own extensive inquiry he found, that, considering the price of food, the country is better off than ever it was before. He defied the Protectionists to think of mustering the labouring classes on their side : their recent disturbed meetings show that they have ten thousand times more to dread from a general election than any other class of the community. They are warned—not in a spirit of physical force—that they her nothmg to gam by such a course. "Even if they had got a numerical majority throughtheir influenee in some boroughs, they could not use it Na staters would dare to carry on the affairs of Parliament, merely aided' by a numerical majority, against the express wishes of the _great mass of the community. They can therefore gain nothing; and I exhort them • from this moment to abandon the idea that there is any advantage for them in appealing to the country in a general election." Though thus cut off', however, the Protectionists cannot shrink from dividing the House of Commons fairly and openly, without reserve and with- out ambiguity, in favour of a return to protection. And if they do . come to a debate and division on free trade under present circumstances, they will indeed bespeak pity; for they have not now some of their men who first went into the House in 1841. "I remember very well,. in 1841, when I came into Parliament, there was an individual who came into Par- liament at the same time, who seemed to have been brought there especially to be let loose like a mastiff upon us ; and who was constantly attacking ints and barking at me night and day. The late venerable George Byng, the Member for Middlesex, sent for me one night to come and seat myself
beside him in the House. He void, have been fifty-five years a Member of this House-1 am the father of the House of Commons : I have sent for you, young man, to take the liberty to offer you a little pieoe of advice. I never saw such a ruffian in this House before as that man opposite that is always . attacking you. Now, listen to me : don't notice him—never take any notice of what he says.' And I followed Mr. Byng's advice from that moment., and. I intend to follow it now. That person remained in the House for only one Parliament ; for, bad as the House is, it cannot tolerate persons like that, and constituencies cannot tolerate them for more than one Parliament. But, though not in the House, he is a leader of the Protectionists out of the House, and I wish them joy of their leader." Mr. Cobden gave some assurances respecting the policy of the EnglishFree- traders, and respecting his own personal course. "The Inah may calculate upon. the English Free-traders in every object they have in view, for putting down i
Orange ascendancy and landlord ascendancy n Ireland, and for giving to the Irish people that status,. that social and political position which has never been enjoyed by them in the history of that unfortunate country." The Protectionist party will very likely put some of the Liberals that are dis- posed to go further than the Government in a difficult position with re- gard to some of their votes. Mr. Cobden now said, once for all, that while he would never fraternize or coalesce with the Protectionists, yet he intended in all his votes to vote upon principle, and quite irrespective of those whom he found voting with him. "I will not vote black or white to suit any party convenience' and therefore, if I am found voting in a way that may tend to embarrass the Government, it is not my .fault, but it is because I feel that I am bound to vote according to my principles and my conscience,. notwithstanding other men, from a factious party, may have chosen to vote against their principles and their consciences in order to vote with me and embarrass the Government" He insisted that it is .practicable, as well as expedient, to return to the expenditure of 1835; it is only a question whether it should be done in one or two years, more or less. As to any surplus, if there be one a year hence, as some expect, he would rather re- move taxes—such as those on timber, paper, soap, &c.—than accumulate a balance in the hands of Government for lessening the Debt.
The deficiency discovered in the St. Helen's Savings-bank now amounts to 9,000/. Mr. John Johnson was arrested on a charge of embezzlement, his brother for conspiring and aiding. It appears that the Magistrates admitted both to bail. The officer who arrested them has found the "private" book in which the frauds were noted, and it is likely to show the real nature of all the transactions at the bank.
After an examination this week, the Magistrates committed the accused for trial : the sub-actuary was admitted to bail, but the Bench declared that John Johnson must apply to a Judge for that privilege.
The unenrolled benefit societies of Rochdale are bestirring themselves to obtain a share of whatever funds there may be for distribution. A meeting has been held to memorialize Lord John Russell on the subject The accounts from Scarborough give a bad view of the affairs of the bank : the deficiency swells, and already amounts to nearly 4,000/. Mr. Smurwaite was gazetted as a bankrupt last week.
No fewer than eight men have been arrested in and near Wigan on suspicion that they form a gang of burglars who have recently committed some daring outrages. The crime which immediately led to their capture was an attack and entry of a farm at Rivington, whence they carried off nearly 300/. in coin, besides valuables. The farmer was roused by the noise of the attack, and he beat some of them with an alarm-bell; marking one manin a way that leaves no doubt of his identity.
A gang of robbers who have long infested Hanbam and Cockroad, near Bristol, have been captured, and sent to prison on various charges. The gang had committed many highway robberies.