2 FEBRUARY 1867, Page 2

The Bavarian Government has followed up its declaration that it

will adhere to Prussia, by a note calling on all South German Governments to hold a conference for a common military organization upon the Prussian basis. The meaning of all this activity seems to be that Bavaria is frightened for the Palatinate, which, in the event of a successful attack by France, she would lose. The idea of her statesmen is, therefore, to make it the interest of Prussia to defend her, yet not to part with any of their independence. Count von Bismarck does not approve this idea, and Bavaria will probably be informed at the proper time that if Prussia is to defend her, Prussia must be enabled to see-that she is in a position of defence. The German Parliament meets on 24th February, and to it the Prussian Premier will probably reveal some portion of his views as to the ultimate fate of the South.