2 FEBRUARY 1867, page 1

'esterday Week A Meeting Of 1,200 Of The Work-people Of

Messrs. John Bright and Brothers was held in the public hall at Rochdale, to present to Mr. Bright " an address of entire sym- pathy with and sincere respect for him, under the......

The Rev. W. J. Butler, M.a., Vicar Of Wantage, Still

hovers uncomfortably on the verge of consecration. His most reverend and right reverend advisers, his Grace of Canterbury and the Lord Bishop of Oxford, " have concluded that......

The Usual Ministerial Banquets Are Ordered For The 4th, But

Mr. -Gladstone will give no dinner, to the amazement of many, who forget that Opposition dinners before the session commenced with - -, Lord Melbourne. The Clubs will have it......

Some Of The Professors Of University College Have Issued An

elaborate and ingenious document, in which they defend the recent action of the Council. In it they abandon the line first taken up, and if we are not mistaken, to some extent......

Sir Edwin Landseer's Lions, So Long Ordered For The Base

of Nelson's Monument, were uncovered on Thursday without any official fuss. The popular verdict upon them seems singularly uncertain, and the artistic one has yet to be......

News 0? The Week.

• T HE Emperor of the French has allowed the Tribune to be re- erected in the Corps Legislatif. As it was taken down be- cause it gave individual speakers too much importance,......

The Spanish Government Has Reorganized Its Army By...

is to be liable to conscription at twenty, but out of about 100,000 lads who annually reach that age only 43,000 will be drawn, and distributed among army, navy, and marines.......

In The Magnificent Effort Of Oratory Reviewing His Own...

career, delivered in the Rochdale Theatre last Wednesday, Mr. Bright passed in review his conduct on the Corn Laws, the Game Laws, the " taxes on knowledge," the Irish question,......