THE delay in the signature of the armistice still continues, and is as inexplicable as ever. According to Russian accounts, it is caused by the reluctance of the Turks to submit to the terms, not of the peace, but of the armistice, which are intended to secure rigorous fulfilment of the stipulations, and are therefore very bard. According to the Turks, on the other hand, the delay is caused by the Russians, but they do not know why, their Plenipotentiaries at Kezanlik never having communicated with Constantinople. The Russian explanation does not look true, as the Plenipotentiaries were authorised to accept any terms ; -while the second is clearly not true, as the telegraph is open to Constantinople, and one Plenipotentiary has com- munic,ated with his family there. It is possible that both parties are agreed to delay, in order to allow of certain -negotiations at Vienna and Berlin, or to permit certain arrange- ments to be made at Batoum and Erzeroum, but the secrecy observed certainly raises a suspicion that Russians and Turks are arranging some movement between them of which they wish the Turkish population to remain ignorant. Did not Abdul Aziz ask for a Russian garrison ? Nothing is known of Russian military movements, but it is reported their cavalry has been seen at Tchorlu, not thirty miles from Tchataldja.