2 FEBRUARY 1878, page 1

Lord Derby Had, In Fact, Resigned, But Of Course Immense

pressure was applied to recall a step which would have detached from the Tory Cabinet thousands of influential men, who regard the great Lancashire Peer as their security......

Lord Carnarvon Has Persisted In His Resignation, And On...

week made his explanation to the House of Peers, the pith of which is given elsewhere. In a very dignified and temperate but decided speech, he explained that he had steadily......

News Of The Week.

T HE delay in the signature of the armistice still continues, and is as inexplicable as ever. According to Russian accounts, it is caused by the reluctance of the Turks to......

0 .* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...


The Intelligence From Greece Is Of A Mixed Kind. On

the one band, the mob of Athens, irritated by the Circassian or Turkish excesses in Thessaly, has threatened the Ministry and even the King, to compel them to declare war, but......

On Thursday Mr. W. E. Forster Moved A Resolution, Affirming

that as the conditions which the Government had laid down had not been infringed by either belligerent, and as no information had been received sufficient to justify a departure......

On Monday Night The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Moved The

vote of credit for six millions in the House of Commons. He made a long statement of the delays in the negotiations and the manifold conjectures and suspicions to which these......