2 FEBRUARY 1929, Page 1

General . Hertzog, besides, making wild charges against the leader _

of the South African' party, ,puts forward fantastic scheme for represeutation_ of the natives by white settlers in the Senate by means of. special con- stituencies. - While definitely excluding the natives from all political rights, and thus disfranchising those in the .Cape_ and Natal, he, fayours,a modification of the Colour Act ct so as t o exclude from its provisions " coloured people " and Mauritians. The term " coloured " refers to people with a white strain in them, in contrast with the ordinary phraseology of America, where a pure negro is a " coloured " man. It seems unlikely that the Government can hope to catch . many votes in this way; but prejudice and ignorance may go far in backveld constituencies. The fact that any such measure _would require an • amendment :to the South Africa Act does not seem to have- occurred to General Hertzog. The Nationalists are_ surely_ riding for a fall, and may even gc down on the vote of confidence . which -General Smuts • moved on Tuesday, and which is being debated when We write. .1
