2 FEBRUARY 1929, page 12


A. LETTER FROM MADRID. T [o the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] • • Sia,—Spain has entered upon the New Year full of hope that her two exhibitions—Seville and Barcelona—in addition to......

The Theatre

[" JOURNEY'S END." BY R. C. SHERRIFF. AT THE SAVOY THF.ATRE.1 Ms. MAURICE BROWNE has had the courage to bring Mr. R. C. Sherriff's fine play to the West End. I hope he will be......


The Ship THEY have launched the little ship, She is riding by the quay. Like a young doe to the river, She has trembled to the sea. Her sails are shaken loose ; They flutter in......

A Hundred Years Ago

Another system of adulteration in tea, which has been carried on to a great extent, is now under the consideration of the proper authorities. It is well known that in all public......