SIR,—On the front page of your issue of January 19th you write, "There is evidence that many German prisoners have seriously believed that the intention of the Allies is to treat Germany in such a way as virtually to end her existence as an independent nation. Some endeavour ought to be made to get the truth of this matter into Germany."
After the systematic German torturings and slaughterings of large numbers of helpless people, the continuance of Germany as an indepen- dent nation cannot be justified on moral grounds. It can only be a concession on our part, either to the necessities of an unfinished battle, or to some vice (such as laziness or avarice) among ourselves.
Morals and sentiment apart, to renew German independence will be something near to suicide for ourselves. Already in two recent wars the Germans have knocked us back so far that we are no longer nationally independent in the sense in which we were able to claim national inde- pendence thirty years ago. If we fear the cost of complete victory in present circumstances, the higher cost of a compromise policy will soon show itself.—I am, Sir, yours faithfully,