What The Soldier Thinks
Snt,—The correspondence in your columns ensuing on my article in The Spectator has been as depressing to me as my original article was, apparently, depressing to you. Numerous......
Requisitioned Lands
Stn,—Most of the protests regarding the Requisitioned Lands Bill now before Parliament are chiefly (and rightly) concerned with the threatened extinction of commons and other......
The Teacher's Reward
SIR,— Running through Mr. Hurlstone-Jones's article in last week's Spectator is the implied suggestion that the deciding factor in the parents' choice for their sons between a......
National Independence
SIR,—On the front page of your issue of January 19th you write, "There is evidence that many German prisoners have seriously believed that the intention of the Allies is to......
The Enthronement Of The Primate
SIR,—The Dcan of Wells would seem to make too little of the legal elements introduced into the Rite of Inthronisation in late mediaeval times; but he is surely correct in saying......