The speculators were completely deceived on Monday msrning, by the publication a the second edition of the Times stating that Admiral STOPPORD had refused to ratify the NAHER convention, but omit lug the fact of new negotiations having been con. roenced. Some large sales of Stock were made in consequence; one broker having sold 60.0001. Consols for Account at 88, while sales to the extent of about 20,0001. were Made at 871. Upon the real nature of the intelligence becoming known, by the pub- licatiou of second editions of the Morning Chronicle nod Morning Herold, the market, which was heavy from the above SO:CS. immediately improved, and has since been advancing; until ou Weduesday the price of Consols for Account reached 881. The quotation lIRS since declined to 83: ; and after oscillating for the last two days from buyers to sellers at 881, there were at the close of to-days business buyers at 881. There have been some large sales of New Reduced Three-and a-half per Cents. ; and money consequently has been in considerable demand at the Stock Exchange, although it is more easy to-day in Lombard S;reet ; and commercial discounts are readily ob. talued at5 per cent. Exchequer Bills have improso:4; the premium upon these securities being 3s. to 5s. It is a subject of remark, that uutwithstanding the demand for money. this improvement has occurred; and it is only to be accounted for by the prevalence eta belief that among the financial measures of the year an extensive funding will be resorted to. There has been but little business doing upon the Royal Exchange this week ; aud but slight variation in the rates of the Foreign Exchanges.
The advice s from New York, brought by the Independence. are only one day later than those previously received, It appears certain that the Banks will resume specie pay- ments on the 15:h instant. The money-market in the United States was, however, de- pressed; and stocks generally were lower. There has not been any business doing in the American Funds for some time; holders generally not pressiug sales at the present low quotations, the electiou of General HARRISON to the Presidency being taken as an earnest a a determination on the part of the American statesmen to revert again to paper currency; and it is consequently anticipated, that in the course of a few mouths a considerable improvement will take place generally in Americas' Stocks.
The letters from Paris received urn Monday stated, that the decline of nearly I per cent, in the price of the French Fowls on that day, was occasioned by a report that the Minister of Finance had determined immediately to bring forward a projet de loi fur a loan of about 16,000,0001. sterling; and Tuesday last was named as the day upon which the communication would be made to the Chambers. As this announcemeut was coupled with a report that M. Geiser was about to retire, and that Messieurs TH1E111;111E1 Mote were to form a Ministry, the hopes of the speculators for the fall were raised. The report as to the change of Ministry has not been confirmed; and although the Minister has given notice of a loan to the extent of 450,000,000 francs, or 18,000.000/. sterling, it is not intended to bring it forward immediately.
Little business has been doing in the North of Europe Stocks. Although Dutch has fallen in Holland. the price has undergone but little depression here.
Brazilian Stock is heavy, without any assignable cause, unless it be that the antici- pated new loan presses heavily upon the market. The price has been as low as 704; and some sales of the loan of 1838, known as "Samuel's Brazil," have been effected at 65. South American Stocks have been depressed, but have agaiu recovered, and resumed the quotations at which they stood in the course of last week.
Messrs. Rein, lavrso. and Co., (as agents of the Government of Venezuela,) have issued on advertisement slating, that in accor.lauce with a decree of the President of that Republic, they are prepared to issue new Bonds for the284 per cent. of the Colum- bian Debt apportioned to the state of Venezuela, upon the presentatiou of the existing Columbian Hoods at their office after the 18th instant. The liability of the State in respect of such 281 per cent. will Cease, and be cancelled by endorsement upon the Columbian Bonds so presented. MCzETS. Rein, tame% and Co. also are ready to pay the half-year's interest, at the rate of 2 per cent, per anuum, upon all the new Bonds of the Venezuelan Government that may be issued by them. Spanish Active Stock has been in great demand, and has risen from 225 to 251; at which price it stood at the close of yesterday's business. The market opened this morning at 241; but soon improved to 251. aunt has since given way. froru the pressure of money-etock upon the market; closing at 241, buyers. Among the causes of this improvement. may be quoted the rise that has occurred both at Madrid and Paris : in the former capital, the Local Slack has risen to 305, anti in the latter the Active Stock has been at 251. The ads-ices received to-day, however, having brought intelligence of a decline both in Madrid and Paris, the market here has ex- perienced the decline above noted. It is dated. that amoug other financial arrange- ments of the Spanish Regency, is one by winch the holders of the Active Stock are al- lowed to convert it into the local debt ; and as that debt is receivable in payment of the purchase-mouey of the national domains, a mode of extinction is thus provided for the Active Stock. The stabi'ily of the -Regency must, however, still be considered problematical ; and it is needless to say. that, in the event of further confusion arising in Spain, all armugemerds of a financial kind will be at an cud.
The Railway Shares are in fair demand, and Brighton have been as high at 51 dis- count; but there has not been any extensive business except in the last-named
Very little business has occurred this morning. Consols for Account opened at 881. have since beets done at 885, and there were for a short time buyers at that price; bet as 5,0001. were sold at 891 for February. the market has given way, and the price is now 881 1. Bank Stock is quoted at 157 fur Money, and Exchequer Bills (1.0001.) at 3 to 5s. pm., while small bills bare beet, done SS high as 7s. pm. In the Foreign Mar. ket, business has been chiefly confined to Spanish Active Stock, which opened at 241, and is now 2445; the other Foreign F rids being at yesterday's quotations. Dutch Two-and-a-half Cents are quoted ex dividend: our present price of 491 4 ex dividend being equal to 501 to 511 with dis blend. Portuguese Three per Cents, are also quoted without the half dividend due yesterday, and the price of 205 equals previous quota- tions of 21/ f.
Prices have advanced without the transaction of any business of importance. Con- sols for Account have been done as high as 831. and close at 89 to ; thus marking an
improsemeut of titer cent, upon the opening price. Reduced Three per Cents.. aud the other Stocks now open fur transfer, 'ewe advariced in the same degree. Exchequer Bills have also improved, closing at 40. to 6s. prem. for large. snd 6s. to Os, for small bills. In the Foreign Market, roost of the current varieties have acquired more firm-
ness in consequence of the improvement in the Consols. Business has, however, been chiefly confined to Spanish Active ; which closes at 25 to 5. being an imperil ement of per cent, upon the first price.
Belgian 5per Cents 97 8 Columbian 6 per Cents 235 41
Danish 3 per Cents 77 8
Dutch 24 per Cents...ex die 491 1 Mexican 5 per Cents. Court 281 91 Psrtuguese Regency 5 per Cts 324 Ditto it per Cents .... ex div '.10 4 Russian 5 per Cents 112 13 Spanish (Active) 244 3 per Cent. Consols shut
Ditto for Account 811 i
3 per Cent. Reduced b9 - 84 per Cent. Ditto 974 t New 41 per Ceuta shut Bank Stock 157 Exchequer Bills 3 5 pm. India Stock strut Brazilian 5 per Cent,. 7001*