A Warning To The Whigs From Walsall.
Walsall, 301h December. The retiring address of the Honourable Spencer Lyttelton to the " Independent Electors of the Borough of Walsall" is a curiosity of its kind, and as such......
The Theatres.
PANTOMIME has resumed her Christmas reign triumphantly at every theatre that owns her sway ; and if the magic bat of Harlequin per- forms fewer feats than of yore, the one great......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 29th Dee., at Waldershare, the Countess of Guttman. of a son. On the 26th Dec., at Milton, FRANCES Viscountess Mtr.vort, of a sou. Ou the 18th Dec.. at Loggers......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—In the Downs. Jan 1st, Isabella BI3th. Lane. from Mauritius. Off Lym- ington, W. Harms. Morrie. from China. Off Penzauce, Dec. 30th, Colonist, Cowmau r from Bengal; and......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AlTERNOON. The speculators were completely deceived on Monday msrning, by the publication a the second edition of the Times stating that Admiral STOPPORD......