Tiwoo Sultana ; a Tale of the Mysore War. By Captain Msanows TAYLOR, Author of " Confessions of a Thug." In three vols. Memoirs of the Bight Honourable Warren Hastings, late Governor- General of India ; including his Journals and Letters, now first pub- lished from the originals in possession of the family. By the Reverend G. R. GLEIG, Author of "The Life of Sir Thomas Munro," "Tra- ditions of Chelsea College," &c. [The life of WARREN HASTINGS is a good subject ; and Mr. GLE1G will make a good and readable biography, if not a first-rate or philosophical one. But we must have the work, or learn more about it, before we can read it : our copy is unfinished; and though advertised in two volumes, it is utterly impossible to embrace the subject in any such extent, unless the Impeachment, like the part of Hamlet, is to be "omitted by particular desire."] The Railways of Great Britain and Ireland Practically Described and Illustrated. By FRANCIS Wursna.w, Civil Engineer, Member of the ' Institution of Civil Engineers.
The Currency Question ; an Examination of the Evidence on Banks of Issue, given before a Select Committee of the Douse of Commons, 1840. By G. M. BELL, Author of "The Philosophy of Joint Stock Bank- ing," &c. [This little volume contains an abridgment of the evidence of each of the witnesses before the Committee of the House of Commons on Banks of Issue, followed by a discussion on the different points raised in the course of the examination. The abridgment is done with neatness and clearness, though the leanings of the author may sometimes unintentionally colour his precis. His own commentary is also neat, and sound in its general principles : when he comes to discuss the conduct of the Provincial Joint Stock Banks versus the Hank of England, his obvious leaning to the Country Banks induces a bias that vitiates his conclusions. The Bank management or no-management is bad enough, but it would not be mended by destroying or limiting its controlling power, badly as it is exercised. "Free trade in bankiug is free trade in swindling"; and the example of America is sufficient to prove the evils that flow from delegating the State's power of coining to everybody that chooses to assume it.] The Life of Admiral Viscount Exmouth. By EDWARD Ost,Ea, Esq. A new and revised edition.
[This plain but interesting life of a plain British sailor, which we noticed at length on its first publication; now appears in the shape of • pocket volume, with embellishments in the style of the day, and a plan of the defences of Algiers. The successful reply of Mr. OSLER to the Quarterly Review is also printed in the appendix, in order to show the authenticity of such passages as were impugned.]
Elements of Ekctro-MclaUurgy. [A practically scientific treatise on the new and beautiful application of electro- magnetism to the mechanical and fine arts ; in the form ot directions for per-
forming the different processes. The matter is condensed, and well-arranged; the style is clear; the directions are explicit ; and a very complete index to all the points touched upon, makes the manual handy as a work of reference.) Tales of a Grandmother. By Mrs. A. C. CARMICHAEL. [An account of the West Indies, their scenery and productions, with pictures of life in a sugar-plantation, and a description of the voyage ; in the form of
reminiscences of actual incidents, related to a party of young folks, whose ques- tions elicit such particular information as is desirable to be known. The nar- rative has the interest of reality, though some of the business details are too minute ; and it is characterized by kindliness and good sense.]
Poor Jack. By Captain MARRYAT, C.B. With Illustrations by CLARKSON STANFIELD, R.A.
[The last week of 1839 witnessed the commencement of MaRRYAT'S Poor Jack ; the last week of 1840 crowned its conclusion : and here we have the
adventures of the sailor-boy in a single volume, full of wood-cut illustrations, and bound in a style which seems as if the principles of floor-cloth or table- cover printing were about to be applied to the binding of books. The orna- ments are emblematic—the anchor and Union Jack.]
The Soldier of Lyons ; a Tale of the Tuileries. By Mrs. GORE. (Stan- dard Novels, No. LXX XII.) [This work was Mrs. GORE'S first production, written whilst Loom the Eighteenth was on the throne, and before the Histories of Times and several other writers were published. It is therefore a work of another mra; and Mr. BENTLEY has done well in placing it before the present generation in a single volume at a cheap price. In saying this, however, we rely upon the general merits of Mrs. GORE; for though we are Restore enough to remember the elder Bourbons, we have no recollection of this Tale of the Tuileries.]
The .3forea. Second edition. To which is added, Meditations of Other
The Journey-Boole of England : Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight. With thirty-two Engravings on wood, and an illuminated Map of the County.
[ One of Mr. KNIGHT'S Series of handy and intelligent County Guide-books. The leading features, topographical, statistical, and antiquarian, of this pic-
turesque and fertile county, which has been the scene of many remarkable events in our history, are indicated in a concise and readable manner ; and the views of scenery and antiquities are faithful, well selected, and nicely executed.]
Mr. and Mrs. S. C'. Hall's Ireland, Part IIL
[Though still lingering near Cork, this Third Part of Mrs. HALL'S agreeable publication leads its readers into the country, and enters more into descrip- tions of its scenery, and the superstitions of the peasantry, whose supernatural beings, like themselves, are full of pleasantry even when mischievous. There are some good stories told of the Pooka; "whose great objects," when in the form of a horse, "seems to be to obtain a rider"; and then he dashes away through or over every obstacle, rejoicing in the terrors and cries of his rider, whom he always throws, wet, weary, and sore, in some miserable place, at a long distance from his home. Many are the personal vouchers for the reality ot tha ride, but the stories all end in about the same strain. " And place yer honour, I found myself in the morning lying in a wet ditch, and it couldn't be the drop I took ; for, barring a few glasses at a neighbour's, I didn't drink a drop at all at all, all day."]
History of Napoleon, Part XXIII Master Ilumphrey's Clock, Part IX. Savage's Dictionary of Printing, No. IX.
George St. George Julian, the Prince. By HENRY COCKTON, Author of "Valentine Vox," &c. With three illustrations by ONwiFIN. No. L Charles O'Malley, No..X.
Fisher's Historic Illustrations of the Bible, Division II.
l_The classic designs of N. POUSSIN and his imitators of the French school ; GUERCINO'S graceful but tame conceptions, and the vigorous groups of RUBENS, are here interspersed with Wesr's formal compositions, and some artificial scenes by MELVILLE. The mass of cheap-print-purchasers, how- ever, for whom this publication is designed, are not likely to be sensible of any incongruity. The engravings are very fairly executed; and the " Descent from the Cross," by RIMENS, considering the small scale of the plate, is equal to that in a large and costly work, of high pretensions, recently put forth.'
The Illustrated Commentary on the Old and New Testaments ; chiefly ex- planatory of the manners and customs mentioned in the Sacred Scrip- tures, and also of the history, geography, natural history, and antiqui- ties; being a republication of the Notes of the Pictorial Bible. With many hundred wood-cuts. Vol. IV. [This respectable undertaking goes on rapidly. The present volume completes the Old Testament, at least the canonical books, embracing the Prophets from Isaiah to Malachi.] The Reverend Thomas Scott's Commentary on the Bible, Fisher's illus- trated edition. Part L
[A beautiful reprint of this commentary, with the addition of a new selection of marginal references, and views of the places mentioned in the text, as they now appear. A fine view of Jerusalem, from the Mount of Olives, adorns this part: the titlepage has a highly-finished engraving, by GOODALL, of Zidon, under an evening sun.] The Turkish Empire, Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, 6-c., Illustrated. By W. H. BARTLETT and THOMAS ALLOM. With Descriptions by JOHN CARNE, Esq. [Apparently a republication of Messrs. FISHER'S Syrian Views, (for the scenes are familiar to us), apropos to the popular interest in this quarter-of the world. Part L contains views of Beyrout, Damascus, and Balbec ; with portrait of MEHEMET ALI; and an introductory chapter, giving a sketch of his career.] The Rhine, Italy, and Greece Illustrated; in a series of Views from Draw- ings on the spot. By W. L. LEITCH, Esq., Colonel Cocanuna, and Major Drrosr. With descriptions by the Rev. G. N. WRIGHT, M. A. Part L [Another of Messrs. FISHER'S cheaand beautiful sets of Views, correspond- ing with their" Constantinople," "The Mediterranean," &c. The interior of the sumptuous Hall of Council at Venice, by FRANKLIN, and Mr. LEITCH'', views of Cologne with its Gothic claarches, and the castled heights of Itre, the • Spectator, No. 377; 19th September 1835.
bad-quarters of brigandiem, are well engraved, and give very distinct ideas of the places. The descriptive notices are intelligent, and well-written, only comewhat grandiloquent.] Illustrated Shakspere, Part XX.
Sibson's Illustrations of Master Humphrey's Cluck, No. TH.
Wesleyan Methodism Considered in relation to the Church ; to which is subjoined, a Plan for their Union and more effective Cooperation. By the Reverend RICHARD HODGSON, M.A., Evening Lecturer of St. Peter's, Cornhill.
[By a brief, readable, and intelligent view of WESLEY'S life and writings, Mr. HODGSON shows that separation from the Church formed no part of the object of that eminent man; on the contrary, it was one of the things he greatly dreaded. The struggles of the Conference, after WESLEY'S death, to prevent the administration of the sacrament by any preacher of the connexion unless be had episcopal ordination, and the "pressure from without" to which the Wesleyan ministers were obliged to yield, are fairly narrated : neither is the conduct of the Establishment towards the early Methodists defended. From these premises, and the religious improvement in the Church which has taken place of late, Mr. HODGSON infers—and truly—that there are no real religious differences to prevent a junction of the Wesleyans and the Establishment; the difficulties lying in the feelings and positions of the parties. His plan for getting over these is a return by the Separatists in matters of religious service to the ordinances of WESLEY, and the consecration of a Wesleyan Bishop, who should ordain the Wesleyan ministers ; the " recommendation" of this dignitary to be vested in the Conference, with a power of veto in the Arch- bishop of Canterbury. This plan would perhaps be palatable to the Wesleyan clergy, and could be effected without much difficulty ; but we should opine that great difficulties would be found in its adoption by the Church.] Hints to Employers. "The Elevation of the Labouring Class." From the Westminster Review, No. LXVII. Including two Letters to Leonard Horner, Esq., on the capabilities of the Factory System.
The Princess Royal; a Satire. By the Hon. a a a Fourteen Years in New Zealand; intended as an answer to all inquiries made by those who are interested in the colony ; with Observations on its climate, soil, natural resources, the character of the natives, and the validity of titles to land purchased from the native chiefs ; with sailing-directions for entering every bay and harbour on its coasts, together with a minute account of each.
Reports of the House of Commons on the Education (1838), and on the Health (1840), of the Poorer Classes in Large Towns : with some Sug- gestions for Improvement. By ROBERT A. BLANEY, Esq., M.P., Chair- man of both Committees.
Religion and her Name ; a Metrical Tract, with Notes. By Joni; SEARCH, Author of" Considerations on the Law of Libel, as relating to publica- tions on the subject of Religion." Prospectus of an Association to promote the Establishment of a Uniform Currency under one General Head. By T. JOPLIN. W hat ought the Dissenters of Scotland to do in the Present Crisis? By Joan &tows, D.D. Second edition.
New Zealand, and its Native Population. By ERNEST DIEFFENBACH, M.D., Naturalist to the New Zealand Company, Sze. Governesses, or Modern Education. By Madame B. RIOFREY, Authoress of" Private Education."
A Full Report of the Trial of Henry Hetherington, on an Indictment for Blasphemy, before Lord Denman and a Special Jury, at the Court of Queen's Bench, Westminster, on Tuesday, December 8, 1840; for selling " Haslam's Letters to the Clergy of all Denominations": with the whole of the authorities cited in the defence, at full length.
Nonconformity within the Church : a Letter of Expostulation addressed to the Reverend Thomas Spencer, M.A., Perpetual Curate of Hinton Charterhouse. By Sir CULLING EARDLEY SMITH, Bart.
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, No. XCVII.
Calcutta Journal of Natural History, Nos. I. and II.
Two numbers of a new periodical from the Banks of the Ganges ; to which we with all success. The immense extent of India, the number of curious and intelligent minds scattered all over its continent, and the obstruction attend- ing the original observations of natural history, would both furnish sufficient encouragement to the work and an ample supply of contributions fresh and from things themselves, instead of being distilled from books. Something too much of this latter process is perceptible in the two first numbers of the Cal- .cutta Journal of Natural History; perhaps arising from the necessities of a new undertaking, and to be remedied as the work proceeds. If this be not the intention, we should suggest that the plan be acted upon ; for mere reviews of books, abstracts of the proceedings of learned bodies, and extracts from scientific journals, have but a limited interest ; and most probably those for whom they possess attraction have already a channel of supply. An Indian pe- riodical on natural history should and might have a popular circulation.] Calcutta Monthly Journal, June 1840.
The African Colonizer. Vol. I.
[The African Colonizer is a newspaper, published in London, devoted to the British Colonies in Africa, and more especially to the settlements at the Cape of Good Hope ; including in that category the settlement at Natal, founded by Dutch emigrants from the Cape colony; which the editor desires to see formally recognized as a settlement within British jurisdiction. The paper was issued weekly, from February last to June ; when its publication was sus- pended for a time, for want of adequate support. Renewed interest in Cape affairs has caused it to be revived with the present year. The numbers pub- lished in 1840 are now collected in a volume, with a preface, a map of South Africa, and a map of Natal.] Magazines for January—Quarterly Review, Westminster Review, Foreign Quarterly Review, Blackwood's, Tait's, Dublin University, Colonial, Asiatic Journal, Alexander's East India, Monthly Chronicle, Bentley's Miscellany, Floricultural, Florists' Journal, British Farmer's, Si.c.