BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prices.)
kloteedayMosiday. Tuesday. Wedgies. Thurs. Friday.
Bank Stock. 7 per cent. 3 per Cent. Commis 3 per Cents. Reduced 3f per Cents. Reduced Long Annuities Ditto for Account
New 34 per Cents. 88 ex d. 88k 831 881 gili 881
- 157 157 1574 1574 158 ulna shut 884 881 88i 884 89 89
978 971 978 978 97f 971
13 - 13 13 13 13 shut India Stock 104 4 pm. 2 2 2 3 4 Exchequer Bills 24d. p. diem 12 dm. 15 15 _ - India Bonds, 3 per cent. .
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday Evening.) Banks-
Australasian 541 British North American Colonial 38
- Hibernian Loudon and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial - Provincial of Ireland - Iluion of Australia 91 Union of London
- Docks-
441 East and West India 184 Loudon - St. Katherine 171 Miscellaneous- 564 Australian Agricultural 121 British American Laud - Canada 75 General Steam 741 South Australian 12 Van Diemen's Land BULLION. METALS.
Gold, Foreign in Bars ox. 31. 17s. 100. Copper.Briliah Cekes..per ton 551.0.. o 01.04 Old SpaniMi or Pillar Dollars .... 0 0 0 Iron, 13 • • h, Bars 8 0 0- 0 • Mexiean Dollars 0 4 10I Lead, British Pig 19 15 0- 0 0
Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 14 Steel, English . . ...... 58 o 0- 80 • GRAIN, MARK LANE, January 1st.
Oats, Feed 22 to 94 Vise. .. 25 Poland 26 . 07 Fine W .08 Potato 50
Fine .. 29
Oats kl 10 Peas 41 6 Wheat 534105. , Rye .... . .. 32s 43. Barley 32 9 1 Beans . .... 49 7 Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. AVERAGE PR CEO OF CORN, I Barley 13 10 / Beam 0 I I Oats I5 3 I Pea. 8 0 1 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN I Wheat e7s. MI 1 Bye 150.31. For the p esiiwi Week.
FLOUR. BUITER-Best Fresh, Is.. ad. per Us.
Town-made .. ........ ......per sack 50s. to Ni.. Collat., 51. Cs. to 01.38 per cwt. Seconds 60 - 55 BACON, Small New, per cwt. 45s. to 51s. Esmx and Suffolk, on board ship 40 .... 45 CHEESE. Cheshire 70s. to We , Norfolk end Stockton 40 45 Derby, Plain ebls. to 7og.
BRAN per quarter Onus Os. HAMS, York 7es. to 785,
POLLARD, fine Os. to Os. EGGS. French... per 105 )0.. Od to Os. Od. BREAD, 744. to 00. the 418. Loaf.
HAY and STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good Rs.- 100e. Inferior.
Bee. Clover 110 .. 116 .. .. 00 .. 118 100 .. 113 Ile .. llff
.. •0 $4 .. 56
Straw, Wheat Rumex Pockets 280 - 360 W - ere Choice Data Superfine Ditto 510 - tg0 Chat
Kent Pockets ........ ............. tiros, to WM. I Scotch Rads
Middling peels. 80, to 85.• O - • 0 • O - • Beef .
bluttoo Veal
NEWGATE AND LEADENH I.L.• Ita. 64. to 4. 05. to ia. 1.
3 4 .. 3 10 .. 4 .
4 4 .. 6 0 .. 5
3 4 .. e 4 .. 5 ..... .•.
0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 • To %Ink the offal-Per/116s. 3s 3 3
SMITHFIFLD.• td. to 40. od. to 4.. 64 4 .. 3 10 .. 4
4 .. .. 0 HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. Beasts. Sheep. Calms. Pigs.
Friday ......... .... ...... .... 595 3,020 131 512
Mondial.... • ..... ....... .... 0,318 ........ 51,350 ...... .. 48 478
78 Ditto (Deferred) 5p. Ct - Ditto 6 -
- Ditto (Deferred) 6 -
971 Michigan 6 714 Mississippi (Sterling) 5 - - Neapolitan. 5 - New York (1855) 5 - = Ohio 6 234 Pennsylvania 5 - - Peruvian 6 - 614 Portuguese 3 - 971 Ditto 5 - - Ditto (New) 5 Russian 5 Spsulish 5 - Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p. Cl.
' Tennessee 6 i Uuited States Bank ' Virginia 5 labama (Sterling) Sp. Cl.
Arkansas (1863) 6 - Austrian 5 - Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 - Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 (Milian 6 Columbian of 1824 6 Danish 3 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 2f - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - French 3 Ditto 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 77 Illinois 6 - 75 Kentucky p.6 - 84 Louisiana (Sterling). ...5 - 87 Maryland 6 - 83 Massachnssetts(sterling)5 - 100 Mexican 5 - 281 91 87 89 ez d.
201ex ti- .
624 324 1121 241 64 124 90 83 134
Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cats Branca Caudonga Cobre Copper
Eastern Counties Grand Juuction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester. London and Brighton Loudon and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmitsgham Loudon and South-Western London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South Eastern and Dover 244 9 67 24 13 354 434 35 10
Wheat.RedNew50 Lois Fine 56 .. 64 White .. NS Fine 56 58 Suserline New E4 70 s. •.
Rye 35 tn 40
Barley 055.55 Malt ing 84 gg Malt, Ordinary 56 Fine 62 64 Peas, Hog 36 . at . .
Maple .. 89 to 41
White. 54 at: 86 .. an
Beans, Tick 36 36 Old 1O,.42 Harlow . 39 42