2 JANUARY 1841, Page 2




lea—Disastrous news from the Niger xpedition. 1160,1177. 11e3. erica—President's Message, 50, 56. Ir. M.Leod's case, 130, 177, 217, 226.

f.41, 242, 275. 490, 530, 563, 587. 635, 660, 710. 728, 802. 946, 995. 1015; trial at Utica, 1033, 1039. 1042. 1057, 1064. Boundary dispute, 169. 217, 802. Sus- pension of cash payments by the United States Bank, 218, 947. Economies of the United Sinks, by a Correspondent. 218. President Harrison's Inaugural Address, 290, 298. Death of General Harrison. 409. President Tyler's Ad- dress, 417; Message. 602, 611. Pro- posal of a •• fiscal agent." 636, 681.728, 802, 850; veto of the Bank Bill by the President, 890, 898, 946; New Cabinet, 946. 970, 1039. Seizure of Grogan by British soldiers, 995, 1009. 1016; re- lease of. 1042. Proclamation of the President against secret lodges, 1016. The •• Hunter's Association," 1016, 1159. General Scott a candidate for the Presidency, 1154. 1159. The British claim of right of search. 1159.

Belgium —Change of Ministry, 369. Conspiracy to restore the Dutch rule, 1057. Opening of the Senate, 1498. China—Progress of the Opium War. 25, 29, 243. X...48, 530. Dismissal of Corn- missioner Lin, 130. Negotiations. 242, 434. Attack on the Bogue forts, 338. Cession or Hong Kong, 338, 440. Cap- ture of the Bogue forts and Canton, 529, 803. Chinese warlike prepara- tions, 745. 752. 851. Supply of tea, 851. Report from Keslien to the Em- peror, 874, 875. Attack on, and" ran- Born" of Canton. 962, 968, 993 Pre- liminary proceedings of Sir henry Pot- Unger, 1058, 1064. Wreck of the Com- modore and Captain Elliot, 1064.

Colonies— Canada — Union of the Pro- vinces, 249. General Election, 370, 433, 440. The proposed timber-duties, 587. Meeting of the new Parliament, 649, 659 ; proceedings, 673, 681, 728. 802, 850, 899; prorogation, 970. Resigna- tion of Lord Sydenhatn, 842; death of, 970, 992. Trial of Lieutenaut Johnson for the seizure of Grogan, 1159. In- dia—Defeat of Post Mabomed, 25, 30, 154. Action in Upper Scinde, 153. Conduct of Shah Sootah, 434. Affairs of the Punj&b, 539. 635, 752, 969. "Splendid affair" near K helat. Gli i Izie. 875. Surrender of Nusseer Khan in Seinde, 969. Threatened war with Bur- Matt, 1177. 1183. New Zealand—In- dependent of New South Wales, 754. South Australia— Murders by native wreckers. 202. Recall of Governor Gawler, 994. Van Diemetes Land— Captain Ross's exploring ext,edition to the South Pole, 778. Westeru Austra- lia—Arrival of the first settlers at Ans- tralind, 753.

Denmark—Treaty with Great Britain— passage of the Sound, 635. Publication of the Budget. r402. Egypt— Commodore Napier's Convention with Mehemet All disallowed by Ad- miral Stopford, 1.5. Settlement of the Eastern question, 122. 129. The Turk- islt fleet delivered up by the Pasha, 130. New terms offered to Mehemet Ali, Z42, 249, 467; accepted, 635, 659, 802.

France—Budget for 1842, 5, 7 ; finance, 80, 368. 393. 419. Fortification of Paris, 31, 32, 54, 56.74, 97, 105, 106, =, 129, 322, 324, 338. Customs-duties, 177. Disturbances in the South, 299, 322. Algeria, 393, 587. 752. Execution of Dermas, 531. Opposition to taxation- eimeute at Toulouse. 032. 697, 709, 751, 754; disturbances qses.bere, 7101 7,1:

801, 903k 43213..1441_5018. Nacet prepatatiens. 770, 7j11. 1iervest,:448.. Erection Sir ;Isheableorre 'Statue on the Boulogne column, 801. Attempt to assassinate the Duke of Auronle0890„„ 897, 922, 993; trial of Quentaeate1,f031 1110. 1201, 1206. 1230; conwietirm: M. Dupoty, 12*, Loan, 922. I re.e- eutions against the Press, 946, 1041. 1135, 1137. The question of disarming —the Bey of Tunis, 962, 968. Minis- terial changes, 995. Louis Philippe's Implication in the Spanish insurrection. 1010, 1015. 1032, 10139,1105.1112,1129. Disarmament, 1066. Extraordinary re- moval of prisoners from Toulouse. 1089, 1111. External Commerce of France, 1135. Rumoured coalition against H. Guizot, 1177, 1182. Reduction of the Army, 1201.1206. Political trials. 1206. Greece— New Ministry, 728,898. Posture of affairs, 850. I reposed new frontier, 1129, 1136, 1137- Hanover —Dissolution of the Chambers, 658, 721, 727. Portugal—Opening of the Cortes, 55. New Ministry, 611. Revolutionary pro- ject, 1207.

Prussia—Address from the Magistracy and Deputies of Breslaw to the Proviucial Diet of Silevia, 587, 0594 828.

Russia—Insurrection near Moleow, 468. • th. fusiou Poland 31, 80, 105, 146. Rupture betweeu the Regency and the Pope's Nuncio, 49, 55, 57. Budget. 369. Espartero de- clared sole Regent, 467„ 490: New Ministry, 516. 539. Guardianship of the Queen. 611, 635. 682, 721, 727, '752, 770, 777, 898. Christine insurrection, 992. 968. 970. 985, 992. 995. 1009, 1014, 1015, 1017, 1033, 10-10, 1063 ; corre- spondeuee between Queen Christina and Olozaga, 1041. Demolition of a portion of the citadel of Barcelona by the people, 1066,1111. 1112, 113ti. Sup pression of the fueros, 1088. Queen Christina's pension suspended 1088. Turkey—Change of Ministers, 394. In- surrection in Candia, 635, 728, 752, 902. State of Syria, described by a British merchant, 7-29. Quarrel with the Bey of Tunis, 866,874 898. 968. Civil war in Syria, 1137. Complaints against Greece. 1153, 1158, 1182.

Switzerland—Insurrection in Soleure arid Argovia. 80, 105. Revolution in Geneva, 1153, 1158.


Baptism of the Princess Royal. 150. Visits of the Queen. 603.722. 770. New Mi- nistry. 845. 863. Royal grief at parting with the Whig Household . 868. Illness of the Queen Dowager, 1034, 1083, 1106, 1130, 1154. 1178. Birth of a Prince of Wales, 1082, 1106, 1130, 1154, 1181; the Brevet. 1147.

The Revenue, 31.348, 661, 995. Progress of Penny Postage, 33, 393, 726,754. The •• West Middlesex Assurance Com- pany.". 75. Trial of Wallace and others for casting away the ship Dryad, 75, 103, 127. 223. 13raiutree Church- rate ease. 151, 101:5. Diener to Lord John Russell by the New Zealand Com- pany, 173. Validity of the new Chart- ers of Municipal Incorporation, 001. Anti. Corn.law meeliisgs, 223, 317,416, 441. 463, 403. 487, 491, 511, 517, 533, 558, 580. 604, 746. 869, 89 I , 1034, 1120. Wood's will-case, 271. 319, 342. 795. Colonel Torrens aud the late South Aus- tralian Commission. 295. Robbery at Windsor Castle, 317, 342, 362. The P'resident steain-ship. 346 370,395,467,

490, 516. 587, 636. Official Assignees, 363. Flogging of a soldier on Sunday by Lord Cardigan, 367, 393. Incorpre ration of the New Zealand Company, 370. Accusation against Mr. Dyer of offering to obtain the release of a pri- mmer for 3,6601., 389,656; liberation of 5fedhurst 723. Meetings in opposition to the Ministerial thialicial measures, 436, 441. 511. Amniat meetings of Re- ligious and other Societies. 437, 464, 488, 510, 533, 558, 580, 604, 678.987. Sentence on Lord Waldegrave and Cap- tain Duff for tissav Ring a policeman, 4.37, 800, 828, 819. Court of Queen's Bench —the &privet:on of Dr. Cock- burn, Dean or York, 437, 604. Dinner to Mr. Wakefield. 438. Conduct of the Anti-Slavery Society entire sugar-duties question. 463, 465. DeOsiou on the va- lidity of baptism by DisSiters. 464, Copyright Foreign Music, II. Burn- ing of Astley's Theatre. 538. acorrespon- deuce between Mr. Handley stud Lord Stanley on the charge of inc. latency, 563, 5.136 ; Members of the Hauchester Chamber or 'ommeree aud Sir obert Peel, 563. Ministerial Changde, 586. 610, 612. Laimelt of the Trafalgae: 603. Court of East India Proprietors—the . Rajah of Sattara, 678, 707. Opposition '1 to Church-rates, 678, 728, 746. 1106, t 1208. Convention respecting the Straits of the Dardanelles, 681. Meetings of' Railway Companies. 770, 795, 870, 987, 1131. New l'eerages. 778. Appoint- ments by the Whig Nliiiisterst 81161.6004

.827, 820. .....N45v SCshia, Batrrea: 1427. • Meetinedos 11. /sle&orlidpt ster.:514-; D. VormatiOn dra!new Sli-

• snistry*. and new appointments, 847,850, 874, 876, 900, 922, 945; Foreign ap- ietreeets /92 993. Correspoueence :betou,Mr..Roebuck and Colonel Na- .1treeorrtlicAnLeod case 873. t• Strike" . •of the masons at the New ParLament

Houses, 891, 966, 987,1010, 1059, 1085, 1155. Meetings to petition against the Prorogation of Parliament. 918, 944, 947. 966. Funding of Exchequer Bills, 918, 947. The Postage revenue, 995. Great overflow of the Thames, 1010. Meeting respecting the distress at Pais- ley, 1034. Forgery of Exchequer Bills, 1043.1859, 11:67, 1089, 1106,1112,1134, 1155, 1205, 1229; Trial of Smith, 1160, 1179, 1184. Fire at the Tower of Lon- don. 1060,1084,1110. 1155. !loyal Com- mission on the Fine Arts, 1134. Distress in Spitalfields, 1154,1179. :kat') of Dr. Birkbeck, 1158. Applicaiiun of the money paid for the ransom " of Can- ton, 1184. Bankruptcy of W. Hitchcock, 1202; of T. S. Cave—mining specula- tions. 1203. Election of Common Councilmen, 1226, Treatyaegainst the stove-trade. 1227. General Election—Election Talk, 487, 491, 513, 536, 5CO3 582, 606. Lists of Members Retunied, 6*. 660, 674, Election Proceedings, 526, 637, 650, 660, 674, 710. Electron entertainments, 657, 679, 706. 707, 708, 710, 724, 747, 771, 774. 778, 795. 803. The aenuse of Commons, 698; Gleanings, 704, 726. Reelections, 870, 891, 919, 921. 922, 924, 945. 966, 967.

Railway accidents, 27, 52, 365, 797, 871, 895, 921, 989, 1037. Great Floods, 77. Meetings for the revision of our com- mercial code, 247, 271, 467. Anti- Corn-law meetings, 296, 320, 364, 370, 390, 438, 465, 488, 491, 511, 517, 534, 559, 581. 588. 605, 870, 876, 894, 987. 1011, 1036, 1085, 1107, 1103. Murder of a sawyerat Ashton-under.Lyne, 296, 344. Dr. Cockburn deprived of the Deanery of York for simony, 343, 367, 708. Opposition to Chureh-rates, 391, 680. 708. 846, 989, 1012, 1036, 1062, 1137. Pro-Corn-law meetings, 491, 512, 534, 581. Dreadful accident at a launch at Rotherham. 657, 680. Meet- ing of the British Association at Devon. port, 680, 747. Sir Robert Peel's dinner at Tamworth. 723. Proposal to a Wesleyan Conference to unite with the Church, 772. Meetings of Railway proprietors. 772, 827. Conference of Ministers of Religion on the Corn.laws at Manchester, 795, 826. Trial of the Times for libel—Bogle v. Lawson, 797. Distress of the People, 870, 988. Meet- ings to petition against the Prorogation of Parliament, 921, 944, 966. Opening of the Brighton railway, 921: accidents, 966. Condition of the people of Leeds, 938. 1011. Municipal elections, 1061,

1085, Registration, 1061. Distress, 1062, 1107,1108, 1132, 1156,1160, 1180.

Incendiary fires, 1086, 1132 Meet- ing of Anti-Corn-law Deputies, 1107. Meeting at Oxford to raise a subscrip- tion for purchasing drawings by Ra- phael and Michael Angelo. 1108, Sir E. Knatehl,rrll fined for refusing to pay tolls, 1132. Lord John Russell's reply to a Plymouth deputation, 1137. Investigation at Seven Oaks Poor-law

11 , 1156. Election of a Professor of Poetry at Oxford. 1158. 1201. Anti- Corn-law Conference of Ministers at Carnarvon, 1160. Lord Palmerston's reply to a Bridgnorth address, 1179. Anti-Corn-law Conference at Derby, 1194; at Leeds, 1203; at Manchester, 1208. Mr. Christopher's speech at Lincoln on the Corn -laws, 1227.


Meeting of the Presbytery of Stratlibegie, 29. Burning of three churches at Dun- dee, 29. Auchterarder case, 248. Non- intrusion meetiugs, 273. Meeting of the Commission of the General Assembly, 297 Anti-C.,rn'lawmeetings. 321,367. 417,486. 513. 536, 560. The Church Question, 367, 582, 606, 634, 653, 630., 799, 991. Meeting or General Assem- bly, 513, 535, 799, 827, 829, 847, 1133. Meetings on the Church question, 535, M. 538, 1014, 1038. Election of Re- presentative Peers, 774. Distress, 8474 1037. 1157, 1181, 1204. Meetings to petition against the Prorogation of Par- liament,922, 9-15, 967. Distress in Pais- ley, 1014, 1033, 1110, 1131, 1157, 1204. Municipal elections, 1063, 1086. State of the Nouiutrusion question. 1086. Another veto case at Culsamond, 1110, 1133. Proceedings of the Arbroath Presbytery aeainst a man for bnrry lug his child on 'Sunday. 1181. Meeting at Arbroath to harm a Church Defence Society, 1204. Gas explosion at Dun- dee, 1228.


Repeal Meetings, 3.28. 53, 104, 128, 272, 297, 321, 344, 366, 392. 416, 438, 466. 512. 531, 606, 724, 749, 773, 798. 827. 947.87-2, 990, 1037. 1109, 1133, 1157, 1233. Irish manufactures, 23,321, 392, 921, 1013. O'Connell's visit to Belfast, 78. 81. Registration, 366, 391. Alleged Ribend conspiracy, 490. Murders, 534, 560. 634, 658,750, 773, 799, 1086. 1157. Appointment of Sir John Campbell to the Lord Chancellorship, 605, 633, 657, 630, 827. Strange minded of Mr. Nixon, High Sheriffof Fermanagh,750, 827, 896. Meet.ng at Limerick to ad- dress Lord Morpeth, 827, 847. The New Miuistry. E93, 945. Dinner in Dublin to Lord Morpeth, 893. Regis- tration, 967. Lord Elioesappoiutments, 990. Mr. Crawrerd's letters on Repeal, 1012; Mr. O'Connell's speech on, 1013. Lord Loudonderry's speech at Newtownards on the Corn-laws, 1013. Dublin Municipal election, 1037, 1063. Mr. 0 Brien's defection from repeal, 1037. Law changes, 1062. Lord Mayor O'Connell at Mass, 1086. Tory ap- pointments, 1109, 1134. O'Connell tri- bute, 1109, 1133. Reduction of Stipen- diary Magistrates. 1180. Charges of sedition against Mr. Connor of Strad- bully, 1204.


Opening of the Session, 98; of the New Parliameta : Election of Speaker, 794; Address, 818, 828, 842, 848; Queen's Answer, 844.

Administration of Justice, 556, 588, 602„ 866, 924. 942. Admiralty Patronage, 964, Bethnal Green Park, 463. Boundary question. 178. Bribery, 556, 564, 943; at Elections Bill, 557, 579. Budget, 418. Canadas, Union of the, 125,170; St. Sulpice, 221. 266; Canadian Trade, 845. Candlish (Mr.) and the Edinburgh Biblical Professorship, 388, 414. Car- digan's (Lord) Trial, 101, 125 171, 177; conduct, 277, 386, 462. Carnarvon

election, 964. Chancery Reform, 124. Charitable Trusts, 579. Chinese War, 414, 435. Church extension. 9 i 5; rates. 126, 268, 509. Colonial duties, 250, 339. Copyright, 101, 105, 130; of Pat- terns, 149, 222, 246, 294. Corn laws, 434. 462, 486, 508, 555, 962. County Coroners, 170, 245, 436 ; Courts, inns. diction of, 149,222, 250. Crown Lands at Kensington and Windsor, 890. Danish claims, 170, 557, 602. Death punishment, 149, 244, 436, 579, 588, Distress, 578, 942. Drainage of Lands. 270. Draining and improvement or Buildings, 105, 154.436,588. Education. Minister of, 340; Instruction of the Working-classes, 245. Election Petitions. 845, 867, 890, 917; Trial Bill, 579. English Bishops Abroad, 868. Equity business, transfer of, from the Court of Exchequer to the Court of Chancery, 394. Estimates, 220. 227. 244. 275. Exchequer Bills, funding or, 962. Executions, Public, 170.

Fine Arts, the Houses of Parliament and, 943. Frost, supposed pardon of, 105. Harbours of Refuge, 268. Highlands, Des- titution in the, 149. Hyde Park waters, proposed reduction of depth, 917.

India. Catholics in,917 ; Produce, Equali- zation of duties on. 125. Insane, Cus- tody of the, 915. Ionian Islands. 387. Ireland. Administration of Justice in, 341, 388. 415 ; Elective Franchise and Registration of Voters in, 122, 194, 219, 410; Poor-law Administration in, 246, 269, 275, 292, 298, 315. Irish Municipal Elections, 867,

Jews, Disabilities of, 149, 245. 315, ier-s. Keane. Lord, 150, 154, 202, 227.

Labrador—New Penal Colony, 557. Law Courts, 414. Legal oppression. 866. Lightning.couductars for ships, 171. Machiuery, Exportation of, [70. M. Lead's (Mr.) case, 148. 435, 825, 943, 965. Marines, Promotion for the,487. Mar- riages, 468. Maryletione Pauper Emi- grants, 295. Maynooth College, 221. Medical Reform, 269. Metropolitan Im- Provements—Regeut's Park, 413. Mi- nisters, Motion of Want of Confidence in, 506, 517, 530,539, 554; Resignation of, 844; Intentions of the New, 090; State of the Country. 899, 914, 923; Anti-Prorogation Addresses, 964.

Navy and Ordnance Appoiutmeuts, 917. Newfouuillaud, 316. New South Wales Laud-fund, 294, 386. Niger Expeditibn, 170. Nocturnal Legislation, 102. Obsolete Laws, 918. O'Connell (Mr). aud Sergeant Jackson, 557.

Petty Sessions, 200. Political Offenders, 509. Poor-law Commission, 105, 116, 244,275, 290, 293, 314, 324, 340, 506, 867, 915, 939, 947. Portugal, British claims on, 149. Prison Discipline, 942. Private Bills, 101, 916, 943. Pro- perty-Tax, 292. Provision duties, 868. Public Buildings,Admission to, 342,388. Railways, 126. Real Property, 170. Re- gent's Park. Opening of, 386. Registra- tion of Voters, 124, 177; of Hertl'ord- shire, 537. Registry of Electors, 487. Repeal. 101. Roebuck (Mr.) and the Times, 867. Rum Duties, 154, 270, 293. St. Albau's Election Committee, 324, Scotland, Church of, 101, 221, 246. 435, 578; Lunatic Asylums in, 965; Regis- tration of Voters in, 170, 270; Sheriffs' Courts in, 222. Slavery, and the Law thereon, 954. Slaves, British Subjects dealing in, 917. Slave.Trade, 918. Sound Dues, the, 268. South Australia, 125, 130, 266, 275 ; 602. Suffrage, Ex- tension of, 844. Sugar Duties, 434,441, 458, 467, 482, 506. Sunday trafficking, 414. Supply, 395, 900, 914. 924. Stat. ford and Rugby Railway, *9. Sugden's (Sir E.) retention of his seat in the House after acceptance of office, 916. Syria. Naval Operations in—Votes of Thanks, 126, 130; Import Duties in,917. Timber Duties, 943. Tithe Recovery Amendment Act, 149. Transportation and the Hulks, 293. Turkey awl Egypt, 254,

Vice Chancellor's Allowance, 921. Waldegrave (Lord) and Lead Denman, 346. War, New destructive power for.

579, 602. Ways and Means, 556, 938. Yarmouth Election, Voting of the Mice at, 829.

Prorogation and Dissolution, 602; Prow- gation, 965. Divisions, 204, 414, 492 Election Com- mittees, 295, 317. 414 ; Petitions, 439,


" A," 952.

Afghanistan, the War in, 932. Albert's (Prince) Promotion, 230. Appeals to Prejudice, 567. Army and Navy Prometion, the, 1138. Army Reform. 181. Attornies, Education of, 879.

Bar, the Dignity of the. 279.

ku.rot (M.0 a French Statesman. 1233. Bill of Rights, New Whig Reading of the, 520.

Bishops •• in Partibus," 1091; The " Bishop of England and Ireland in Jerusalem." 1115.

Brougham Come Back, 566.

Budget, the, 421; Another Glance at the. 443; What should be Done with, 470; Mitiisterial Mastery of Free Trade, 614; Twofold Use made by Ministers of their Fixed Duty, 615. licCampbell (Sir Jobn)--Plain John's Pro- . motion 615. ' Canada, Tory Government in, and Whig Roguery in London, 926. Cardigan's (Lord) Trial. 179; The "Au- thorized Statement," 2064 Rhapsody- In Honour of Earl Cardigan, 375; Lord Cardigan's Humanity-Unlucky Tom Mecanlay, 398. Caudle, the Philosophy of, 1165. Census 1841, 279, 998. : Chartism Begun Auew. 374; The Chart- ists: Birmingham Town Meeting, 542; A Few Words with the Chartists, 684; Representation of the Minority. 734. bins-The Whig Watchmen, 157; OH- ., , gin of Whig Antipathy to the Chinese, k. . 1,1. i 82; Triumphant Results of the Whig Policy .' , The Spectator in, 471; The Etsglish in, 972.

hristening, the, 159. hristmas Revels, 12.

lunch Extension. Real, 1211.

tickle's Anti-Bilious Pills, 686.

Colonial Policy, 180.

olouization, Interest of the Peel Govern- ment in Extensive, 972.

Consuls. British, 1115.

oekery for the Poor, 1159. ooks Aucient and Mcdern. 1189.

Cool Remarks, or Serpentine Musings, 807.

Corn-Laws, the-Total and Immediate Repeal of, 29; The Budget-the Corn' laws, 443; The Principle on which Sir Robert Peel takes Office : A Sliding Scale of Duty on Imperted Corn, 493; May be Changed for the Worse. 566; Clerical Conference on. 684; Clerical Anti-Corn-law Agitation, 713; Legal Anti-Corn-law Agitation, 734; Effects - of, 780; Ties' Clerical Anti-Corn-law Conference at Miumhester,781; Alleged Benefits of a Corn-law : Improved Home-Market, National Independence, 805; St. Giles's Greek, 832; Direct Effect of the Corn-law, 833; Alleged Necessity of, to Coutheract the Unequal ' Pressure of Taxation on Agriculturists, 854; Some of the Difficulties in the - Way of Corn-law Repeal. 902; Lord .` Stanley on the, 927; Black-mail for the • - ? Landlords, 928; How to Get Rid of,

1951; .

The Protective System, or the Last of the Monopolies, 973; The Latest Movement against, 975. moth Punishment, 1234.

emonstmtion. 203. iscrimivating Justice, 158. ivisiou of Theory from Practice, 1139, ouble Entendres, 543. Drowning : Prevention better than Cure, 929. Duelling, Sc,me Thoughts about, 325. dinburgh to Wit. 615.

dnention of the People-The Spirit of Political Partisanship, 252; Educative Returns (Scotland), 1070.

gregiuns Rejoicings. 1116.

gypt-The Modern Egyptian Philoso- pher, an.

lection, the General-To Electors on 'the Coming Elections, 519; The Can. vacs: Representatives and Constituents, 542; Buying and Selling, 591; Limited Choice of Legislators, 640; The Elec- tion, 662; Fighting a Man with his own Weapons, 663; Lord John Rus- sell's Election-Making the Most of a Thing. 686; Last Dying Speech and Confession of the Representative Sys- tem, 713; Practical Politicians, 733.

ation-The Reported Remedy for the Distress, 1091; Three Prejudices Against, 1138. very Inch a Queen/1.189.

chequer Bill Fraud, the, 1045; Mr.

Beaumont Smith's Sentence, 1187. else Impartiality, 1045.

awe. MystiGeations in, 58, 83; Public Accounts: The Coming Question, 134; A Word to Electors : "Take Care of Your Pockets," 207; and Taxation, 1209.

ne Writing. 1047. Foreign Affairs, 1187.

auce. Peculiar Privileges of Royalty in, 904.

Free Trade Party, a Parliamentary, 659; The Free Traders in Parliament, 7t2; Parliamentary Tactics for Free Traders, 1019; What a Government Can and Ought to do. 1161.

Gambliug Principle (the) of Govern- ment, 832.

German and Brazilian Colonizers, 301. Government (the) and the Country. 731. Greece- A New Levant Question. 853, Gresham College, 903. into for a Birth-day Ode, 1094. " History is Philosophy Teaching by Ex- ample." 779. Holland, the King of, and the Prussian 'Customs Union. 1139.

Home Consumption, Theory of Dimi- nished. 781.

House of Commons. Bad Habits of, 593.

Howick (Lord), the Assassination of, 929. Import Duties-Official Suggestions on Taxes and Trade, 9; Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Import Duties. With the principal Evidence-Supplement to the Spectator. 24 January; A Chapter in 1Esthetical Economy, 35; The Im- port duties Question, 205. India, Responsible Government for. 739; Who is Responsible for the Goveramen• of? 1020.

Irish Justices: Holding to Bail, 1211. Irish Registration .- Extension of the Suffrage. 133; The Irish Faction-fight of the Session : " In for another year," 206; Lord Morpeth's Irish Registration Bill, 294; The Five-pound Franchise for Ireland Abandoned, 397.

Jews. Disabilities of-What is Blasphemy? 325.

Jones, Master, 278.

Law and Legislation, Anomalies of Eng- lish, 1046.

Liberal Party, the Position of the, 751 Louis Philippe, 60.

Machinery, Export of, 373, 422, 592. Magnetic Marvels, 782. Maul°. (Mr. Fox), Attitude for a Por- trait of, 445. '

Meddling. 1161.

Melbourne (Lord), Preparations for the Retirement of, 275; A Premier, 593 ; The Queen's Schoolmaster, 832; Not in Opposition. 952. Miracles, the Balance of Catholic and Protestant. 1092, Municipal Government, 757.

Murder, 134.

Musical Snuffboxes and Barrel-Organs, 1021.

Navy Estimates, the, =9. Niger Job, Progress of the, 181. O'Connell, a Monument to, 375. Oppositions and their Tactics, 925.

ster- Day : Begging, 757.

Palmerston (Lord) Handing his Portfolio to a Successor, 831.

Parks, the, 278: Open Parks-The Re- gent's Park, 855.

Parliament-The Business of the House of Commons. 108; Private Bill Legis- lation, 109; The Threatened 'Masotti. tion, 180; Attendance of Members of, 278; Counting-Out, 325; and Prero- gative, 518.

Parliament, the New Houses of, Orna- mental Painting of, 1046. Parliamentary Election Committee Law, 301, 325.

Parturient Mentes, 1069.

Patriotic Sacrifices, 780.

Pear-Ripening, 158.

Peel (Sir Robert)-The Proximate Pre- mier, 804; Second Sitting. 830.

Peel's (Sir Robert) Debut as a Popular Lecturer, 108; School at Tamworth- The Man that Cheated Himself, 1020. Pitt and Peel-A Parallel, 999.

Peetry, 860.

Poor-Law, the New. 421 ; Principle of, 975. Poor-Lan-a: Emigration Corn-law Re- peal, 373.

Postage Question, the, 662.

Power (the) that Governs the World, 1141.

Precedent, 999.

Premier, the Passing and the Proximate, 444.

Primrose Hill and the Parks, 253.

Prince of Wales, the-Cheap Defence of Nations, 1212.

Property-Tax- "Oh Word of Fear ! " 300.

Protection, the Effects of, 756.

Public Meetings, 300, Reform Bill, Conclusion of the Chapter of the, 853.

Reform, Further : Meeting of the Asso- ciation at Leeds, 107.

Regent's Park, the. 399; How to make an Antithesis, 398.

Repeal, Some Considerations Touching. 83.

Reunions of the Working and Middle Classes, 1114.

Revenue Returns, the, 998.

Robin Hood Redivivus. 880.

Rochdale Justices-The Justice of Peace of the Nineteenth Century. 904. Scarborough% (Earl of) Relief Bill. 879. Scarlett's (Mr.) Pension : Right not Justice, 950.

Scotland. Church of-The Scotch Kirk Hubbub, 109; Nonintrusionism, 252; Scotch Controversy about Spiritual and Temporal Jurisdiction, 301; Jurisdic- tion, 326; The New Nouiutrusion Bill. 471; The Kirk of Scotland, 543; San- guine Sir William Rae, 953.

Scotland, Lord Advocate of-A Mistake of Lord Aberdeen Corrected, 230. Scotland. Provision for the Poor in, 319; A Poor-law for, 879.

Scotland, Sabbath Profanation in-, 975; Scotch Endurance, 663; Ecclesiastical Discipline in, 1189. Scotch Judges, Religion of, 423. Sound- Dues, the, 277.

Spectator's (the) Complaint, 714.

Steam, a Law Wanted to Control the Use of, GO.

Street Reforms, 1116.

Sugar- Duties, the : Lord Sanclou's Pro- position, and Lord John Russell's, 444. Sydeuham. Lord-A Liberal Statesman : Paper Currency, 36. Symptoms of Lunacy, 159.

Tamworth Electieu, Mr. Acland at the : False and Foolish Relianees, 903. Taxation, Readjustment of the Incidence of. 12..V.

Toryism -A House Divided against itself, 543.

Tower, Fire at the-A Modern Gunpowder Plot, 1069; The Duke of York's Sword and Sash, 1070.

Turkey-Labour in Vain-the Settlemeut of. 662; Turkish Politics: the Finele, 805.

United States-Lord Palmerston's Open Questions: Mr. kl•Leod's Case. 157; Our Relations with the, 251; Arbitra- tion between Great Britain and the, 277; nine and Opportunity for the Peacemakers, 1069.

Vauxhall, 880.

Wakefield (Mr.) on the Means of National Emigration, 1162; Emigration and its Fraudulent Detractor, 1188; Emigra- tion and Free Trade, 1210; Systematic Colonization, its Detractors and Sup- porters, 1233. Walsall Election, the, 35; Principles upon which to make a Stand, 36. Water (Pure) for London, 855. Wellington, the Duke of-The Military. Civil, and Ecclesiastical Drill, 903; The Duke's Last Retreat, 1164.

What is Coming, 470. Whiggery - Political Sleight-of-hand, 12; Openness a Whig Virtue, 13; Whig Method of Writing History, 34; Whig Principles, 60: The New Policy. 84; Homeeoputhic Policy, 133; The Whig Point of Honour, 444; An Equivocal Compliment, 445; A Fine Tragic Situatiou for Sir E. L. Butwer, 493; The Queen, 566; The Past aud the Future. 590; Whips Overdrawing their Political Credit, 591; Misrepresenta- tion and its Fruits, 591 ; The Queen's Next Effort, 69; Popular Enthusiasm, 639.

Woburu Minstrels, 734.

Workmen's Strikes, 1092.


A Warning to the Whigs from Walsall, 7; The Weekly Chronicle and the Spectator, 660, 729; The Speakership, 750 The Manchester Guardian and the Spectator. 775; Expected Tory Policy towards Canada, 848; Character of Lord Cot- teuham drawn by the Times. 849; Lord Fitzwilliam on the Corn-laws, 1038; State of Business in the Court of Chan- cery, 1042; Commissions on the Collec- tion of the Revenucand Courts of Equity, 1087; Attack on Captain Elliot by the ntnes. 1888; Practical Reform Mr the Colonies. 1089; Anti-Bread-Tax Circu- lar on Compensation to the Land- owners, 1110; Results of the New Census, 1113; Morning Chronicle on Sir E. W. Head's appoimmeut as a Poor- law CommisiSoner, 1157; Improved Tactics of the Liberal Opposition, 1186; Factieus awl Spiteful Opposition by the Globe to Well-regulated Emigration, 1186. 1207.


Addison's }Otis:Ms-Tempters, 1213. Aikin's (Mr.) Illustrations of Aria and Manufactures, 931.

Alison's History of Europe, 835. Annuals, the Fashionable, 1075. Anti-Slavery Publications. 932. A ustraliau Emigrants, Mr. Cunniugliam's Hints thr, 1002.

Azores, a Whiter in the. 616.

Baltic, Letters from the, 1118.

Barrow's Tour in Lombardy, the Tyrol, and Beviria, 786. Beethoven. Life of, 161.

Belgium, Emerson Tenuent's. 304. Bible, Solomon Bennett's. 355.

Biblical Researches in Palestine, 735. Bray's (Mrs.) Mountains and Lakes of Switzerlaud. 86.

Brewster's Martyrs of Science, 184, Buckingham's Popular Elections, 739. Campbell's Life of Petrarch, 497. Canadair, Bouaseastle's, 934.

Carleton'e Tales, 643.

Carlyle's Lectures on Heroes and the Heroic, 280.

Catlin's Letters on the North American Indians. 978, 1050.

Cecil a Peer, 1120; Note 00. 1145. Ceylon, De Butts' Rambles in, 1216.

Charles O'Malley, Adventures or, S. Chattertou's (Lady) Home Sketches am_ Foreign Recollections, 283.

China, Davis's Sketches of. 474.

Chinese Expedition, Lord Jocelyn's Six Mouths with the, 255; the Chiuese As They Are, 281.

Clark (Sir James) on Climate, 498. Colman Family (the), Peake's Memoirs of, 234.

Colonies and Colonization, Merivale's Lectures on, 593; Note on a Misappre- hension of Mr. Merivale, 644.

Combe's Moral Philosophy, 331; Notes on the United States, 568.

Compton Audley, by Lord William Len. nox, 330; The Puff Impudent of, 355. Copyright of Designs, Mr. Etnerson Ten- nent on, 162.

Debates of the Unreported House of Commons, 1168.

Debretes Peerage, ISI41, 668. Demosthenes, Kennedy's, 545. D' Israeli's Amenities of Literature, 783, Duelling. History of, 375. East India Year-Book for 1841, 163. Egyptians, (Ancient,) Wilkinson's Se- cond Series on the Manners and Cus- toms of the, 353.

Election. the, 377.

Elphiustone's (Mr.) History of India. 303. Emerson's Essays, 834, Epidemic Diseases, Dr. Parkin on the Remote Cause of, 1143; Note on, 1193; Letter from Dr. Parkin, 1238.

Facts and Figures, 955. Finance and Corn Question, Pamphlets on the. 475.

Fish. Boccius on the Breeding of Fresh- Water, 1094.

Fishes,. Yarrell's History of British, 1094. Prance since 1830, Mr, Raikes's, 329. German Literature. Meazel on, 62. Gipsies of Spain, Mr. Borrow's. 393. Goat, Mr. Parkin no. 475.

Gmnville's (pr.) Spas of England, 256. Greville. or a Season at Paris, 87. Grey's (Mrs.) Little Wife and Baronet's Daughters, 617.

Grey's Expeditions of Discovery in Ana. Walla, 1165. Guernsey. Mr, Duncan's, 883.

Guiana. Schomburgk's Fishes of. 1001. Guy Fawkes, Mr. Ainewortles, 7138. Hampson's Metlii /Sri Kalenderum,737. Hardness, or the Uncle, 1191.

Hastings (Lady Flora). Poems of. 16. Haetings (Warreu). Life of, 1022. Henry of Monmouth, 114. Holland, Davies' History of, 666. Hone, Life and Conversion of, 572. Ilorses, Colonel Smith's, 579.

Hume (David), Letters of, 1215.

India and Egypt, the Hand-Book of, 665. Indiau Stranger, Dr. M'Cosh'el Medical Advice to the, 761; Travels, by Moor' croft and Trebeek, 182.

Indus, Major Hough's March and Opera. tuna of the Army of the, 640.

Insects, Mr. Newmann Familiar Intro- duction to the History of, 524.

Iron Trade, Scrivener's History of, 881. Isidore. or the Adventures of a Neapoli- tan, 836.

Italy and the Italian Islands, Mr. Spald- ing's, 327.

James's (Mr.) Corse de Leon. 211: An- cient Regime, 738; Ceeur-de-Lion, 1051; Jacquerie, 1235.

Japanese, Manners and Customs of, 210. Jesse's (Captain) Notes of a Half-Pay, 1235.

Joshnasson1's54(Dr. James) Pilgrimages to the y Knight's Pictorial History of England,

883; Store of Knowledge, 716. Konawur in the Himalaya, Gerard's Ac- count of, 1142.

Lane's Arabian Nights, 762.

Launders (Sir T. D.) Legendary Tales, 40. Lee's Memoranda on Forum. Sse., 641; Mineral Springs of England, 687. L. E. L., Blanchard's Life of, 472; Nate on Mr. Maclean, 499.

Lest9er0'.s Glory and Shame of England,

11 90. Lewis (Mr. Cornewall) on the Govern. merit of Dependencies, 807„ Life Assaranee, 257.

Lights. Shadows, and Reflections of IYItigs and Tories, 522.

L01111 Societies of London, 306, Lockhart's Spanish Ballads, 930. Longbeard, Lord of London. 39.

Lover (the) and the Husband, 643. Lyda, Mr. Fellows's Discoveries in, S-31. Madden's (Dr.) Egypt and Mohatnmed Ali, 137.

Manners's (Lord John) Poems. 618. Marriage Mart. or Society in India, 496. Marryat's Mastermau Ready.447 ; Joseph Rushbrook, 666.

Marrying Mau, the, 448.

Medical Reform, Dr. Sinclair on, 65. Memoirs of a Sergeant of the Fifth, 523. Miller's (Thomas) Summer Meriting. 402. Mill's History of +Stith lt,mlia, Professor Wilson's Edition of, 905.

Moor (the) runt the Loch, Mr. Coign- houn's, 809, Moore's Poems, 111, 856.

Music and Manners in France and Ger- many, 642.

Mystery, Dendy's Philesophy of, 787. Nestorians, Mr. Asaliel Grant's, 495. New Zealand, Bright's, 1096.

Old Earl (the) and his Youns' Wife, 762. Ossian, M aegregor's Genuine Remains of, 976.

Gees, Wood's Journey to the Source of the, 231.

Parsecs (the) in England, 446. Patrician's Daughters, the. 1002. Pauper Children. Report of the Poor-law

Commissioners on the Training of, 233. Peace, Macnamara's Essay on, 1076. Po.pie.'8s3W5.orks, Standard Library Edition Prince's Hours with the Muses, 570. Pugin on Gothic Architecture, 690. Queen's Poisoner. the, 544.

Radcliffe's (Miss) Poems, 882; Note,909. Railways of Great Britain and Ireland, Mr. Whishaw's, 38.

Reid's Tables of Exchange, 1076. Remnant Found, the, 136.

Rivers, Brooks - the Improvement of, 378.

Roberts's (Miss) Overland Journey to Bombay, Ill. Rudyerd's (Sir Benjamin) Speeches and Poems, 929; Note on "The Silver Trumpet," 980. Schoolfellows, the, 112.

Seaman's Manual, Dana's, 1121. Sedgwick's (Miss) Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home, 646.

Sex in the World to Come, 858. Shakspere, Payne Collier's New Edition If. 1144.

Sick Room, Dr. A. T. Thomson's Do- mestic Management of the, 89. Singing, Wilhern's Method of Teaching, 6b7.

Sketches in Erris and Tyrawley, 571. Stevens's Travels in Central America, 758.

Student-Life (the) of Germany. 1000. Sturmer, a Tale of Mesmerism, 809. Swinburne's Courts.of Europe, 208. Tale of a Tub. Bayley's and Aubrv's, 90. Talfourd's Speech for Mr. Moxon;689.1 Tayler's (Mesa) Letters from Italy, 545. Ten Thonzaud a-Year, 1097.

Texas, Mr. Kennedy's, 442; Mr. Mail' lard's, 1237.

Thirst for Geld, the. 138, Tippoo Sultaum 14. Tower of London, 15.

Vegetable Physiology, 400.

Vernon's Letters to the Duke of Shrews: bury, 37.

Welliugton Papers, the, 423. What to Observe, Mr. Jackson's, 546. White's Fragments of Italy and the Rhine-Land. 1098..

Wilkinson on Engines of War. 185. ...Woman's Rights arid Duties, 64.


sft. Practical Hint Impracticable, 548. Aberdeen, Lives of Eminent Men or. 691. Adventures of Susan Hopley, 91; of James Wood, 113. 2Esehy1us and Sophoeles. Illustrations of, 259, 1122. African Colonizer, 18. Aird's French Grammar, 810. Alda, 67. Algae, Harvey's British, 859. Alice, 402. Allen's Grammar, 1239. Alma- necks, 41, 114, 1170, 1194; 1239. America, Discovery of, by the North' anon, 547. Amusements, Book of, 1099. Ancestry of Queen Victoria. 1169. Ant- mat Magnetism, 956. Anti-Popery, 379. Appeal to the Rubric, 695. Arith- metic for Children, 596. Army List, Hare's, 40. Astrouomical Cards. 1099. Australia, Resources of. 403. Author's Mind, an, 740.

Banbury, Plants collected at, 619. Del' dam's Review of the Proposed Sugar- duties, 957. Bell's Plays and Poems, 909. Bells and Pomegranates, 379. Bennoch's Poems, 811. Bethune's Poems, 740. Bible, Historic Illus- trations of the, 17; Scott's Commen- tary on the, 17. Biblical Cabinet, 187, 379, 909. 1122. Bishop. the, 499. Black's Guide to the English Lakes, 619; Tourist of Scotland, 645. Black- wood's Standard Novels, 1051, 1169. Blue-Coat Boy's Recollections, a, 1193. Book a ithout a Name, 259; of the Poets. 1194; of the Bastiles. 1194. Ito. tany, First Book of, 259. Braude's Dic- tionary, 113. Bride of Messina, 1003. Budget, the, 860. Burns. the Land of, 41.

Campbell's Poets, 691. Carpenter's Peer- age, 740, Chain Rule. 1239. Chau- nton.es Emancipation, 67. Charles O'Malley, 1170. Chartiet Circular,740. Chemist, the, 1194. Chemistry, Recrea- tions iu, 138; SparkesS Introduction to, 500. Chess-Player's Chronicle, 1099. Childe Harold, 1004. Childhood Il- lustrated. 67. Child's Book of Facts, 956. Christian Females. 449; Library, 500; Traveller, 811; Literature. 1003; Offering. 1122; Diary, 1233. Combe's PhyeioneD 691. Cumbustiou of Coal, 596. Commissioner, the, 1170. Conrad Walletirod, 235. Constructive Geogra- phy. Atlas of. 113. Cook's Voyages, 1099. Copyright of Designs. 187. Coro' laws, Holland's Letter to M'Culloch on the, 740. Corsair's Bridal, 41. Course of Truth. the, 356. Cousin Natalia's Tales, 1193. Cowper's Poems, Dale's, 1052. Critic (the) in Parliament and in Public since 1835, 810. Currency Question. 17. Cyclopwdia of Domestic Medicine. 113; of Commerce, Water- ston's, 619; Penny. 1099. Dalton's Protestaut Lectures, 956. Dawn- iugs of Genius, 449. Death. the Phi- losophy of, 449. Decimal System of Money, a New, 547. Deutsche Arna- ranten, 403. Dibtlin's Songs, 859. Dictionary of Dates, 499. Diogenes, Letters of, 860. Diplomatic Tramme- lions in Central Asia, 156. Dodd's Peerage. 235. Edinburgh, Dr. Trueman's Visit to, 493. Efes Daman:I-charge agaiust the Jews of using Christian blood. 859. Elec- trical Society. Transactions of the. 41. Electro Metallurgy. Elements of 17. Elegiac Extracts, 66. Ellen Braye. 909. English Maiden, the. 1003. Epi- cure's Almanaek, 450. Etoninn, the, 1122. Eutropii Breviarum Ilistorire Romanre, 403. Eva Von Troth, 379.

Female Piety. Records of. 449. Finden's Gallery of Beauty, 1122. Fine Arts in Great Britaiu and Ireland. Taylor's, 331. Flowers from the Holy Fathers, 449. Fluctuations of Corn, Re., 596. Forbes's East India Guide, 1003. Fox's Marty rs, 187. France, Ports of, 236; Bus.ey's Pictorial History of. 598. French Genders, Albites', 811; Note • ea. 860, 876. Friendship's Offering, 1051.

Gems of Sacred Literature, 332. Geo- graphy, Steven's Progressive, 903. Geological Models, Supwith's, 692. German Pronunciation, Nagel's, 956; Prose Writers, Fragments from the, 449. Gleig'a School History of Eng- land, 956. Glenullyn, 356. Gray's Lays. 1238. Green Book, 186. Guide to Service, 138.547; Trade, 500.

Hall's (Mrs.) Sketches of Irish Charm. ter, 1239. Halliwell on Sir John Fal- staff. 1031; on Midsummer Night's Dream, 356. Hand Books. 138, 547, Mamoru's Medical Guide, 1238. Hand- maid, the, 619. Hardinge's (Rev. H.) Letter to the Inhabitants of Woodbridge, 139. Hargrave's Short-hand, 1099. Haz- litt's Lectures on the English Poets, 547; Round Table,619. Heber's Poeti- cal Works, 185. Heiluer's German Grammar. 1239. Mennen's Inquiry Concerning the Origin of Christiauity, 909. Hints on the Art of Teaching, 1194. Hublyn's Chemistry. 186. Hodg- kin's Means of Promoting Health, 1099. Hogarth Moralized, 450. Holland (Lord), Opinions of, 307. Hours in Norway, 1122. Household Expense Book, 645. Housmau's English Sun' nets, 547. Howard's Science of Draw- ing, 1194. Import-duties, 500. India, History of the British Empire in, 450 Ingoldsby's Cousin Nicholas, 332. I uquirv into the Causes of the Wealth of Individuals, 1003. Ireland. Hall's. 17.740; Scenery and Antiquities of. Illustrated. 187. Jameson's New Zealand, 1052. Jay's Works. 1239, Jean's Practical Astro- nomy. 403. Jew Buut, 1099. Jesse's Summer's Day at Windsor. 259. Jews, Civil History of the. 113. Jobson's French Revolution, 356. Journey Book of England, 16, 691. Jubilee Memo- rial. 259. Judea, the Modern, 595. Keightley's History of England, 113; Rome. 403. Knight's Horticultural Pa- pers. 500. Knight's (C.) Euglish Mis- cellauies. 236, 547; Store of Know- ledge, 1170, Konrad Veneered, 909. Ladies' Companion to the Flower Garden, 113. Laird of Logan. 547. Lardner's Electricity. 1052. Last King of Ulster, the.596. Lectures to Young Men, 596. Lessons on Writs nud Obyets, 1194. Life. Health. and Disease, 547, Little Bracken Burners. 956. Local Histo- rian's Table-Book, 1194. Loudon, 249, London Assurance. 259. Look Forward, 1169. Lost aud Won, 909. Love Gift, 1169. Ludlow, 236. Lyell'a Geology, 740.

M'Crie's (Dr.) Writings, 449; Scottish Church History, 859. M'Culloch's Geographical Dictionary, 40. Macgil- livray- s Manual of British Ornithology, 186. Madness. 1099. Magazines. 18, 41, 114. 236, 950, 598, 620, 695, 740, 859. 1003, 1170. Maiden of Moscow, 1169. Maps. 450 860, 909. 1099, 1122. 1170, 1240. Martineau's (Miss) Playfel- low, 235,547, 909. Master Illimphrey's Clock. 1170. Masters' Offices. Facts and Soggestions respecting the. 114. Memoir on the Countries about the Cas- pian and Aral Seas. 66. Merle's Do- mestic Dictionary, 740. Meteorography, 1239. Middle Ages, Manual of the History of the, 546. Miller's Poems, 1099. Mirror, the. 67. Model- Mappiug, 1239. Modern Flirtations. 1169. Me- naldi, 12313. Montaigne'e Works. 307. Moore's Works, 233.307,547. 645. Mo- ral Influence of Great Cities, 596. Inoxon's Republications, 41. 956. Mu- die's English Grammar, 356. Murat, Eleven Years' Residence in the Family of. 956. Music. Rudiments of, 332, Musical Educafion, 1239, My Life, 259. My Opinion of Her, 332.

Napier's Letter to Sir R. Peel, 860. Na- poleon. the Second Funeral of, 41. Narrative of the Early Days of Oceola Nitkanoehee. M. National Gallery, Hand Book for the, 811. Newman's Geometry. 810. Nuces Philosophicre. 41. Nyren's Cricketer's Guide. 332. Old Red Santtatone, Miller's, 597. Old Saint Paul's. 1193. Onwhyn's Guide to the Lakes, 500. Oral Exercises. 138. Ord's Poems, 1122. Orphan, the, 41. Orthography, Exercises in. 356. Ouse- ley's English Melodies, 619.

Parley's Weeders of Art. 956. Parlia- mentary Contested Elections, Register of, 408; Pocket Companion, 403, 811. Parlour Window, the, 332. Perspec. tive, Deacon's Elements of, 859. Pe- trarch's Sonnets. 235. Petre's New Zealand, 1052. Philosophical Theories, 1003. Philosophy of Necessity, 1098. Plionarthron. the, 186. Pictorial His- tory of England, V. Poor Jack, 17. Port Phillip. Recent Infermation re- spectiva. 691. Portraits of the Children of the Mobility, 187. Post-office Direc- tory, 41, 1169. Practice of the Com- mon Law Courts, 187. Pride, 596. Priest of the Nile. the, 186. Progress and Prospeets of Society, 186. Prophecy of Balsam. 1122.

Recreation, the. 11122, Reid's Natural Philosophy, 259. Retrospection. 235. Rhine. Re, Illustrated, 17. Romaucist, the, 859. Romanian and Anglo-Catho- licism, 619. Rudolf of Varosnay, 1051. Russia under Nicholas the First. 331. Saint Antholin's, 356. Schlegel's Lec- tures, 67. Scotland, History of the Church of, 450. Scott's Novels, 307, 949; Poetical Works, 449; Prose, 450, 645; Memoirs, 1194. Search into the Old Testament, 1099. Seaward's (Sir E.) Narrative, 1003, Secret Foe, the, 619. Selby's Forest-Trees, 1170. Shak- speriana, 811. Shakspere's Plays.1194 ; Kuight's Postscript to, 1194. Shand's Observations on Sound, 403. Sigour- ney's (Mrs.) Poems, 402. Smart's Eng- HA Grammar, 66, Smith's Standard Library, 402, 811. Society Organized, 66. Stammering. 379. Standard No- vels, 17. Steam-Engine, Russell's Trea-

tise on the. 619. Stories for Toeing Per- sons, 67; of the Animal World, 67; for

the Young, 500. Storms, Law of, 596. Stuttering. 307. Summer Rambles, 67. Swimming, Prize Essays on the Art of, 536.

Tales of a Grandmother, 17; of the Moors, 956; of the Kings of Engine& 1193.

Telemachus. 1004. T'Hakoorine, the, 66. Three Groats, the. 596. Titmarsh's Comic Tales, 402. Tory Baronet, the, 644. Traditions of Western Germany, 59$. Tribute, Payment of, 547.

Up the Red Sea, 499. Valdenses, 619. Visiter's Guide to Sights of London, 811. Vista Perpetua, 186.

Wade's British History, 403, 499. Walde- mar, 306. Warning. the, 1122. War- wick's House of Commons, 1239. Wash- ington, 379. Water Brash, 500. Wa-

tering Places, a Visitor's Guide to the. 691. Ways and Means, 956. Welsh Tradition, Influence of. 1098, Wesleyan Methodism considered in relation to the Church, 18. Which lathe Wiser. 1238, Willmott's Poems, 500; A Poetaster dissatisfied with a Critic's Valuation, 548; Another Exemplification of a Man's Importance to Himself. 572. Wills. 1239. Wilson's Catechisms, 1170. sh'uman, 449. Wood's Perspective, 1003. Worcestershire, Bentley's, 859. Wye (the) and its Associations, 499.

Yarrell's British Birds, 1170. YearnBook of Facts. 138. Young Islanders, the, 1193. Your Life, 999.


Adelphi-llarlequin and the Enchauted Fish. 9; Agnes Si. Aubin. 82. 156; Deeds of Dreadful Note, Effi; Satanas, 156; Opening -Die Hexeu am Rhein, 971; Coenrico, 996; Maid of Honour, 1072; Dobson and Cu, 1072; Ten Thousand a Year, 1117; Norma, 1186; Baruaby Rudge, 1232.

Covent teartlen-Castle of Otranto, 8; White Milliner, 156; Captain of the Watch. 203; London Assurance, 228; The Embassy, 302; Beauty and the Beast, 371; Opening, 856. 877; She Weuld and She Would Not. 901; What Will the World Say, 948; Hans of Ice. laud. 948; Caught Napping, 972; Old Maids, 996; Court and City, 1117; Free and Easy, 1138: Wooden Leg. 1186. Drury Lane - Bat Masque, 203; Mr. Macready's programme, 1232. English Opera- house - Opening, 567; Barnaby Budge, 638, 683; A Lady and Gentleman in a Peculiarly Perplexing Position, 783; Converted into a Court of Appeal for Dramatists, 807; Marti- nuzzi, 833, 856; The Cloak and Bonnet, 833; Enjoyment. 877; closing, 949. Haymarket-Widow Baritaby, 82; King's Barber. 203; Opening. 372; Money, 442; Kean in Macbeth, 495; The Phi- losophers of Berlin. 495; The Stranger, 511; Marie Ducange, 541; Belford Castle, 567; Romeo and Juliet. 683; My Friend the Captain, 730; Virginian, 783; Foreign Affairs, 783; Debut of Mr. PlacIde, 783; Boarding School, 855; Riches, 901 ; Deaf and Dumb, 949; School of Reform, 1018; Nina Sforza, 1071; Quadroon Slave, 1072; Love Extempore, 1138.

Haymarket Stars-' Letter from Mr. Phelps. 663. Kelly's (Miss) Theatre-Opening, 204. New Strand-Mr. Jacob's exhibition. 156; Opening. 872; Rubber of Life, 469; Devil and Dr. Faustus, 567; Frolics of the Fairies. 730; Barnaby Rudge, 783; Keeley at the. 856 Bump of Benevolence, 877.

Norton (Mrs.)-Rumonr of her appearing on the Stage. 856; contradiction, 877. Olympic-Opening, 372; Lost and Won, 442.

Prices and Audiences. 638.

Rachel (Mademoiselle), the French Tra- gic Actress, 469. 495 ; performances of, 613.

Surrey-Prices and Operas at the, 638. Vaexhall. Final Fiqes of, 664.

Young (Mr.), Rumoured return of, 1138.


Ancient Concerts, the, 445.

Covent Garden - Appearance of Miss Kemble in Norma, 1071. .- Drury Lane-Opening of the German Opera, 276; Masaniello, 302; Oberon. 326; Die Zauberflute, 420; Herr Ti- chatscheck. 544; Euryanthe, 567; Ro- bert the Devil, 589; Concerts d'Ete, 730 ; Tableaux Vivans, 833. Dulcken (Madame) aud Mr. Benedict's Concerts, 131.

English Operw house - Opening -Kee- teethe, 253; Matrimouial Ladder, 302; Deer-Stalkers. 372; secession of Mr. Phillips, 372,206; closing, 495; Prome- nade Concerts, 949.

German School of Music, Lectures online. 518.

Haydn's "Seasons." 327. Hullah's (Mr.) Singing Classes at Exeter Hall, 997. Italian Opera-Openiug-Orazj e Curiazj, 254, Launiat, Mademoiselle-A New Pianist, 106.

Madrigal Society, Centenary Meeting of the, 86. Maimer's (Mc) Music-Classes, 933, Motet Society, 782, 1190. Music for All Classes, 135; for the People, 231; in May. 494. New Musical Publications, 18, 115, 476, 763, 1028, 1195.

Oratorios in Passion-Week. 351. Philharmonic Concerts, 230, 279, 326, 495. 994, 543, 589. Purcell Club, 158; Commemoration, 735. Sacred Harmonic Society, 279; Jeplitha, 371; Cathedral Music, 520; Last Judg- ment, 997, 1021. Spohr's New Oratorio of "The Fall of Babylon," 1190. Tallis's Service, 933, 953.

Wilbye's Madrigals, Private Performance of, at Crosby Hall. 905. Williams's (Mr. F.) Concert, 589. Wilson's Lectures on Scottish Song, 1186.


Acrogmphy ; or Etching in Relief, 114. Anatomy for Artists, 1123. Art-Union Prize Pictures, 860. Bijouterie. Sculpture of. 260. Bonnar's John Knox, 308.

British Institution,139,620; Copying Old Masters, 1123.

Carew's Descent from the Cross," 380. Cartoons (the) of Raphael in Danger, 332. Catlin's Model of Niagara, 1186. Chautrey. Death of, 1145, 1195. Chapterhouse, Old Paintings in the. 1027. Design. Schools of : National Instruction in Art. 284. 837 French Paper Hang- ings and Silk Draperies, 119a. Diorama-Interior of the Cathedral of Auch, 397; Influence of English Art on French Painting. 379.

Drawing. wLesson in. 41; Scientific Me- thod of Teaching. e7; Considered with reference to Painting, 90.

English Style of Painting. 764. Fresco-Painting, 837, 1195 Gould's Monograph of Kangaroos, 764. Harding's Park and Forest Trees, 763. Heydon's Lecture on Wilkie, 1028. International Exhibitions, 1171. Kalorama. the: Painting in Relief, 789. Kineomma. the, 308.

Landeeer (Edwin), Prints after, 1004. Leonard's (Mr.) Intelligent Dogs, 638. Lithotint, the New Art of, 1146.

Napier (Commodore), Popular Honours to, 637.

Napoleon's Funeral. Diorama of, 308. National Gallery, 788.

New Prints, 67, 114, 138. 260. 332, 356, 403, 450. 596. 695, 740, 859. 909. 956. 1170, 1194, 1239.

New WaterColmor Society, 463. Old Societyof Water-Colour Painters.620. Panorama of the Bombardment of Acre, 114; of Jerusalem, 804.

Parliament, Decoration of the Houses of, 811.

Perryian Filter Inkstand. 323. Photographic Miniatures : Sun-Limned Portraits, 283, 860.

Polytechnic 'institution, 789, 1=. Poniatowski Gems, the : Modern An- tiques, 1217.

Postage Envelope, the New, 114. Print-Publishing, Two Plans of, 980. Railway Sun, 664.

Reform Club-House, the, 21.

Royal .Academy Exhibition, 451, 692. Royal Portraits, More, 260.

Society of British Artists. 307. Tower, Views of the, 1100.

Waterloo Banquet, Mr. Salter's Picture of the, 420.

Wilkie (Sir David), Death of, 572, 599.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Armoury, the Proper Site for a New, by K., 1094.

Art Unions, by S. R. II.. 980; System, by a Country Reader, 1004. Benevolent Laudlord, a, by B..1135. Bradford, Representation of: Death of Mr. Lister, by Verax,778. Brighton Railway Accident, the, by Wal- ter Fletcher. 1044; Management of the, by D. B., 1067.

Corn and Currency, by Ignoramus, and Note by the Spectator, 851.

Corn-laws-Settlement of the Corn Ques- tion : Case of Titheowners, by a Lay 1mpropriator. 949. Criminal Jurisprudence in Relation to Mental Organization and Social Re- eponsibility, by M. B. Sampson, Letter VI, Conclusion, 42,

Foreign Musical Compositions published in England, by Areoticus, 159; Copy- right in Foreign Music, by a Lover of Music, 178.

Fresco-Painting, by B. R. Hayden, 861; Preferable to Oil Painting for Dreamers- tiug the Houses of Parliament, by Verax, 1068; Process and History of, by S. R. H., 1123, 1218, 1240.

Geneva. the Revolution of, by a German, 1184.

Greene under the European Guarantee, by a Corresnoudent, 949.

Import Ditties, by Richard Heaffifield, 86; by John Heath, 997.

Ireland, Conservative Government in: Exclusion of Roman Catholics, by Ju- lius. 1068, Medical Reform, by W. B., M.D., 396. Navy Promotions, the, by an Old Half- pay Officer, 1165. Niger Expedition, the, by Macgregor Laird, 1212, Photographic Miniatures, by A. Claudet, 877.

Polish Refugees, Destitution of, by T. Pietraszeeski, 565.

Portuguese Stock, by J. M., 730. Prisons Discipline, by A. IL. 132. Punter v. Grantley, by J. Hockley, 833. Record Service, the New, third letter, by .1. H. Gamier. 61.

Representation of the Minority, by a Constant Reader, 758.

Royal Academy, Associates of the, by Verax, 159.

Roxburglishire Election-Not Roxburgh but Stair, by Looker-On, 730. Spahr's "Fall of Babylon," by Edward Taylor. 1212. State of the Country, On the, by Walter Fletcher. 1090.

Tories in Power, by Charles Childs. 878. Travelling in Belgium : Miss Adelaide Kemble, by P. D.' 1018.

Unequal Taxation, by a Conservative Reformer. 878. Working and Middle Classes, Mutual Ad- vances of the, by Radical, 131. Workmen's Strikes, by Wm. Myles, 1117.