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THE Court continues at Windsor. On Sunday, the Queen, Prince Albert, the Dutchess of Kent, and all the visiters at the Castle, attended divine service in the private chapel. Prince Albert, according to the Court Circular, "enjoyed the exercise of skating" every day whilst the frost lasted. On Monday and Wednesday, the Queen also went to the lake in Frogmore Gardens to witness the skating : on Wednesday, we are told by the before-mentioned authority, " her Majesty par- ticipated in the amusement by being driven on a sledge over the ice by Prince Albert." On Thursday, the Queen walked for some time upon the terrace, and afterwards rode out in a pony phaeton, which was driven by Prince Albert.
Weinive reason to believe that the christening of the Princess Royal is fixed for the 10th of next month, the anniversary of her Majesty's marriage.—Morning Post, Jan. 2.
The Post says that the Princess Royal has been vaccinated a second time, as the first operation dill not take effect.
The birth of the Princess Royal has been duly registered. The entry was made in the registration-books of the parish of St. George, Hanover Square ; and was entered on the 22d ult. by the Registrar of Births for the Belgrave district of that parish, who attended at Buck- ingham Palace for the purpose.
The Duke of Cambridge, attended by Baron Knesebeck, went on Monday and Wednesday to Coombe Wood, and spent the days in shooting.
Prince George of Cambridge arrived at Cambridge House, Piccadilly, on Thursday afternoon, from the Continent. Soon after his arrival, he paid a visit to the Duchess of Gloucester, aud in the evening dined at Gloucester House.
On the day after the Queen's arrival at Windsor, her Majesty caused to be distributed, through the medium of the Rector's Warden, to nearly a hundred and fifty persons, a liberal supply of meat, bread, vegetables, plum-pudding, and ale, for their Christmas dinner. Each adult received a quart of ale, two gallons of potatoes, two pounds of bread, four pounds of the best beef, and upwards of one pound of plum-pudding. The children of these persons each received half of this quantity of Christmas cheer. To each of these families was likewise presented two hundred- weight of coals. The poor persons residing in the several almshouses in the town also received presents of the same description and in the same proportion.—Morning Herald.
The Herald announces that Prince Albert is now studying the con- stitutional law of England, with great industry and earnestness, under the able tuition of Mr. Selwyn, Queen's counsel, the father of one of the assistant curates of Windsor.