. Although very little has been effected of an important
character, there seems no doubt that, notwithstanding the decided check at Ostrolenka, the affairs of the Poles are going on well. In Sarno- gitia, General GIELGUD had received a large accession of strength among the patrielic peasantry ; and if he has not yet occupied Polangen, it is certain that detachments of his force are in its neighbourhood. CHLAPOWSKI has been most successful in Lithu- ania; and the army at Praga is not only in a condition to resume, but has actually resumed, .offensive operations by an advance to Siennica, where it was rumoured—falsely—that the Russians were in force. The Government has proposed a patriotic loan of sixty million of florins, under the name of the "Polish succours:" on which we shall only say, that we hope sincerely, if any thing be done in respect to it, means will be adopted for avoiding those scenes that disgraced the Greek loan on.a similar occasion. . The unjust detention of DWERNICKI by the Emperor of Austria may possibly be attended by unforeseen difficulties. The Hun- garian provinces, or counties as they are called, have addressed a Strong remonstrance to FRANCIS, not only against the detention of the Polish General, but in recommendation of an armed and active interference on behalf of his countrymen. The remonstrance con- cludes by praying for an immediate revocation of the ordinance which prohibits the exportation to Poland of warlike weapons. The Hungarians are a brave and spirited people, whom the Em- peror haS at all times found very difficult to . manage ; and if they follow up thEir remonstrance, it is not easy to see how he can parry their present just request. Even as an appeal to the feelings of the empire, in its commemoration of the great services whicl Poland has on many occasions rendered to Austria, the document may be of no small service.