2 JULY 1831, page 12

From Th E London Gazettes. Tuesday, June 28.

P.ARTNERSHIPS rossotv on. AUMGER and BAXTER, Oxford, tailors-FLINTDrp and BoTTERWORTH. cotton- spinners-Cu Ron EN and GE tt A itn, Milk Street, Cheapside, box-makers-WALKER and......

The Church.

Paxesaannera.—The Rev. C. Simpson, M.A. vicar of East Drayton, Notts, sap domestic chaplain to Lord Faversham, to the Rectory of Teversal, Notts. The Lead 111' of Gloucester has......

Pirths, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 24th ult. in Grosvenor Square, Lady PORCHESTER, of a son and heir. On the 22nd ult. at Hurdeott House, the Lady Of RICHARD STRACHEY, ESQ. Of Ashwiek Grove, of a......

The Army,

WAR-OFFICE, June 28.-4th Regt. of Light Dragoons : R. Knox, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice M`Dortogh, appointed to the 10th Light Dragoons-10th Light Dragoons : Cornet......