ELECTION OF SIIERIFFS.—Messrs. Cowan and Pine have been elected. TIIE
Law INSTITETION.—A meeting of this highly respectable body was held on Tuesday, in their own ball, Chancery Lane. Mr. Freshfield, M.P. was in the chair. report 'stated that the stun required for the completion of the building would be 8,8611. Seventy.three new mem- bers have joined the institution since last meeting—the number of mem- bers is now 704; the whole of the instalments, with the exception of the trifling balance of 2484, have been paid up ; the Treasurer has on hand 7551., and 60001. of Exchequer Bills, and there is still an instal- ment of 10,0001. due, which will amply suffice for the purchase of furni- ture, books, &c. and all incidental demands. On the motion of Mr. Tooke, it was agreed that the Committee should consider of the propriety of obtaining a royal charter for the Institution ; and Mr. Geldhart sug- gested that the Committee should communicate on that subject with the Committee of the Law Society, which had been long established, and had taken some trouble to procure such a charter. A resolution was after- wards proposed to the same effect ; but it was thought best to leave the discretion of the Committee unfettered.
SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OP THE GOSPEL.—This Society held its anniversary meeting on Tuesday, at Freemason's Hall. The Arch- bishop of Canterbury was in the chair. From the report, it appeared, that within the last five years, 80 new churches have been conse- crated in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which have given accommo- dation to an increased attendance of 10,000 persons. In the Bermudas, 200 pupils attend the schools ; and in Upper and Lower Canada, there are 60 clergymen and 00 churches more than there were five years ago. The report stated, that the expenditure during last year had greatly ex- ceeded the income, and that at least 10,0001. would be required to make good the deficieney. It appears that the Society has been obliged to diminish their stock by 70,0001., in order from time to time to meet their gradually increasing expenditure and decreasing income. The Lord Mayor, in moving the printing of the report, spoke of the Cholera ; to prevent which, he recommended a general fast. We had thought that fasting was not the best preventive, though moderation may be. What either the disease or the remedy had to do with the Propagation of the Gospel Society, his Lordship did not very clearly explain. When the Bishop of Winchester, who followed the Lord Mayor, sat down, a Mr. Burridge rose to speak ; but not being a subscriber, he was not per- mitted to go on. After two more members had addressed the meeting, Mr. Burridge again rose; but he had calculated too confidently on the Christian meekness of the meeting—he was immediately bundled to the door. He returned at the close of the meeting, but the Society persisted in refusing to hear him. What he meant to inculcate on his audience did not appear—or whether he intended to praise the Society or dis- praise it. The Bishop of London said they did not meet for discussion. TEMPERANCE SOCIETY.—A large and most respectable meeting of per.- sons friendly to the formation of Temperance Societies, was held in Exeter Hall on Wednesday ; Sir John Webb in the chair. The meeting was addressed by Mr. William Allen, at very great length by Mr. Crampton, the Irish Solicitor-General, by Mr. Edgar of Belfast, and several other gentlemen. Resolutions, approving of the formation of Temperance Societies, were unanimously passed. There were a great many females present, and a plentiful sprinkling of those advocates of all good, " the Friends." We shall probably recur to the subject of these societies, when we have more room to spare. WESTMINSTER Ontruscsue INsrrre-mosr.—It is meant to build an hos- pital for the reception of thirty house-patients. A preliminary meeting was held on Wednesday, at which the Duke of Richmond presided. Since 1817, the institution has cured or relieved 18,418 persons ; of which number 571 were restored to sight by the operation for cataract and closed pupil. Last year, 1,523 patients were relieved.