We have to remark that, in the imitation Valenciennes and Maltese laces, great improvement has been made in the purl, it having now the same twist as the real pillow lace, and being continued quite round the scollop. There is a demand for very large lace shawls and mantillas in a va- riety of self, and fancy-coloured mixtures of mauve and white, brown and white, black and white ; the texture is light and elegant, bestowing a negligee appearance which suits the present season. It would be invidious not to introduce a beautifully prepared speci- men of fine imitation black silk guipure lace, a patent article, which in appearance rivals those of the same class made on the pillow, and is equally durable, coming to the consumer at one-third of the cost of the real lace.
But the newest production from the lace frame is a "pile net,". in silk, to imitate velvet, used for laying over crape, glace, &c., for ladies' bonnets, which may be used also for neck-ties, scarves, ribands, and light articles of wearing apparel for the throat.