The Queen Has Conferred The Honour Of Knighthood Upon...
Alexander Dundas Arbuthnott ; Hercules George Robert Robinson, Governor of Hongkong ; and Stephenson Villiers Surtees, Chief Justice of the Mauritius. The Gazette of Tuesday......
A Telegram From Turin, Dated Yesterday, Carries Us One Small
stage further in the war. "The Sardinian army has invested Peschiera from the Logo di Garda to the Mineio." The text of the proposals made by Prussia to the German Diet on the......
POSTSCRIPT SATURDAY MORNING. Our Paris correspondent reports some important information on the relations between the belligerent and the neutral powers. "Paris, Thursday......
In The House Of Commons Last Night One Of The
earliest incidents was the administration of the oath to Mr. Cobden, who took his seat for Rochdale. He sat behind the Treasury bench. Mr. SIDNEY HERBERT gave notice that on......