The market for English Securities continues dull and inactive ; business, bona fide or speculative, is almost suspended. The late brilliant success of the Allied Armies caused some slight animation, but the improvement in quotations was at the time only 1 per cent. The fears of last week that the war was likely to be a protracted one, have this week given place to a rather confident expectation that peace will be shortly refistablished ; the consequence is, that although there is a great absence of important operations, the markets exhibit a firmer tone than has existed for some time. Consols opened on Monday 94, since when they have steadily advanced to 93 93/, at which price they close, after alternating 93, buyers and sellers. Money has been in greater demand, and rates are somewhat higher. Arrivals of specie con- tinue daily to be announced, causing a great accumulation of bullion in the Bank of England. The directors have not yet altered the rate of discount, as was expected. Bank Stock leaves off 219 221. New Three per Cents and Reduced shut. Short loans on Government Securities are still at very low rates.
In the Foreign Stock Market there is equally an absence of business, and the bargains marked on the official list of a most important character; prices, however, are all considerably higher in sympathy with the Consol Market. Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent closes, 84 8a ; Ditto Three per Cent, 6466; Ditto tiribarren, 78 80; Russian, 95 96' Victor Emmanuel Mort- gage Loan, 8789; Sardinian, 80 82; Turkish Six per Cent, 75 77; Ditto New, 61 63; Ditto Four per Cent Guaranteed, 1021 1031. Mexican, 181 181; Venezuela, 28 29; Spanish, 42 43; Portuguese, 43 44. There is little employment for capital just now in this market. The Railway Share Market has been rather more active, and quotations exhibit a rise all round, in some cases as much as 31 per cent. Midland, 1001 1001, shows an improvement of 2 per cent. Birmingham, 921 921 has ad- vanced 21 per cent ; Leeds, on 93, equals 31 per cent ; London and South- Western and Great Western both close at 2 per cent higher, the former being 92 93, and the latter 56 564; Caledonian Shares, 40 40%; London and Brighton, 112 113; and Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 36 37, are all 1 per cent better. South-Eastern has likewise improved about I per cent ; Great Northern Stock, 100 101. The success of the allies has promoted a greater degree of confidence in the French Share Market and investments have lately been on the increase : the removal of the Coulisse in Paris, however, has tended to check specula- tion, Northern of France leaves off, 371 71; Paris and Lyons, 33 334; Paris and Strasbourg, 24 25; Lombardo Venetian, I I die. ; Ditto New, 1 1 dis. The public continue also to invest in Indian Stocks and prices are all quoted firm—East Indian, 101/ 1024; Great Indian Peninsula, 97 t8; Madras 20/. Shares, 19 191. The Markets throughout the " House " at the close this afternoon have little tendency to animation.