"The Life and Correspondence of William, First Lord Auckland," with introduction and preface by the Right Honourable Lord Auckland, is announced as forthcoming by )11r. Bentley. Messrs. Longman and Co. have in the press " The Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition : Narrative of a journey through the Southern Portion of Rupert's Land," by Henry Youle Hind, M.A., and "Registration of Title to Land : what it is, why it is needed, and how it maybe effected," by Mr. Robert Wilson.
Mr. Murray promises "The- Origin and History of Language, based on Modern Researches," by F. W. Farrar, M.A. ; , Life, Letters, and journals of Jonathan Swift," by John Forster; "History of the Two Years' War in the Crimea," by A. W. Kinglalce, M.P. ; Two Years' Residence in Denmark," by Horace Marryat, Esq. ; "Reminiscences of a Clergyman's Wife," edited by the Dean of Canterbury ; and "The Private Diary of General Sir Robert Wilson in 1812-1814," published by his family.
- " A Book about Doctors," by J. C. Jeaffreson; "Half-Hours with English Painters, from Hogatth to Turner," by G. W. Thornbury ; and "Six Years of a Traveller's Life in Western Africa," by Francisco VaMez, are announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Hurst and Blaekett. Messrs. Thomas Murray and Son, of Glasgow, announce as forticom- mg' , "Scottish Field Sports," by J. ;D. Dougall; "The Screw Pro- et : Who invented it," by Mr. Robert Wilson, of Manchester; and "The Daughters of India : their Social Condition, Religion, Literature, and Prospects," by the Reverend Edward Jewitt Robinson, late mission- ary in Ceylon. • - A new monthly medical journal, entitled "The London Medical Re- view," is announced by Mr. Bailliere, Regent Street. A new Irish periodical, called " Duffy's Hibernian .Magazine; a monthly journal of Literature, Science, and Art," edited by Martin Haverty, Esq., author the "History of Ireland." The latter magazine is to "reflect thoroughly the national mind of Iceland."
According to the Paris correspondent of the Inddpendance Beige, the Emperor Napoleon is at present actively engaged in writing a "His- toire de Jules Cesar," for which he has been amassing materials for several years. His Majesty likewise is getting ready for the press the third and fourth volumes of his " Histoire de rArtillene en France," to be published simultaneously with a new edition of the first two volumes.
The "Journal et Memoires du Marquis d'Argenson," has been pub- lished for the first time, from the autograph manuscripts, of the Library of the Louvre, by the Historical Society of France.
Amyot, Paris, has brought forth a new and enlarged edition of the " Histoire des Peuples at des Etats Pyreneens," in five volumes, by M. Cenac-Moncaut. This new edition contains a complete etymology of names, as well as a list of the various treaties concluded between Spain and France for the regulation of the frontier.
The last volume of M. Arsene Houssaye's " Histoire de l'Art Fran- cais an XVIII. siècle," comprising lives of all the distinguished sculptors, painters, and musicians of the period, has been issued by M. Plon, Paris.
A translation of J. D. Passavant's celebrated work on Raphael, made under the direction of the author, has been published by J. Renouard, Paris, under the title "Raphael d'IJrbin et son pere, Giovanni Sandi."
Messrs. Didot and Co. have published an "Etude Philosophique, Historique et Critique set In Magnetism° des Medecins Spargiristes au Seizieme Siècle," by Dr. Pastel, of Caen, a learned antiquarian.
The twelfth livraison of the "Grandes Usines de France : tableau de Pindustrie Franc:else au dix-neuvieme siècle," edited by the conductor of the ifoniteur Universe:, has just been published. It contains an ac- count of the paper manufactures of Essonne. The thirteenth part, which is announced as forthcoming, will give a description of the great cannon- foundry of Douai.
Two volumes of as yet unpublished letters and essays of Descartes, discovered by M. Foucher de Careil, have just been issued by Messrs. Durand and Co., Paris, under the title "Pensees at Remarques Bur lea Principes de Philosophie, la Meteorologie, la. Physiologic, et rAnatomie." The work is in Latin, accompanied by a French translation.
, Messrs. Guillautnin and Co, Parii, have published, "Le Pauperisme at lea Associations de Prevoyance ' • Nouvelles Etudes stir les 6606tes de Secours /sfutuele," by M.-Emile Laurent, Sub-prefect of the department
• of the Gironde. - Two new works-on Algeria have been issued-by IL Challamel, Paris, a "Histoire de la Colonisation de 'rAlgerie," by M. Louis de Baudn- • cour, and an "Etude sur r Agriculture et la Colonisation:de rilgerie," ' by M. Emile Carden.
The second volume of Fr. Bodenstedt's "Shakespeare's Zeitgenossen und ihre Werke," (Shakespeare's Cotemponnies and their Works) has been published by Messrs. Cotta and Co., Stuttgart.- Brigola, the well-known Milanese publisher, is selling an interesting pamphlet by Gabriele Rosa, called "La Russia e r Oriente : Studi Storici Politico," "Russia and the East: Historical and Political Stales."
A new French journal has appeared at Milan, under the title of "Le National : journal de rindependance Italienne et do r alliance Fran, caise." It is edited by M. Edouard Pierre. Turin likewise possesses a French journal, called "Les. nitionalites ; Messager des interets nou- veaux, quotidien, politique; international." .This journal has offices both in Turin and Paris, and is especially noticeable as being the only political paper which publishes the time-tables of the French and Pied- montese railways.