2 JUNE 1860, page 2
L L'ont Of The Most Interesting Domestic Incidents Is The...
48A gold medals by the Royal Geographical Society to Lady Franklin and Sir Leopold M'Clintock. No two subjects of her Majesty deserve honours more than these, and we only hope......
Garibaldi Is At Length Master Of Palermo, According To In-
formation derived from sources whioh ought to be in possession of authentic intelligence. On the 27th of May, aided, no doubt, by a- ..heroie population, the long-suffering......
Thhattsun Turtritingo In Vorlinnunt.
PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEER. House or CosnioNs. Thursday, May 31. Supply ; Army Estimates, debate on Military topics-Sir John Barnard's Act Repeal, 8cc.; Bill read a third......