ii'Culloch's Geographical Dictionary. Edited by F. Martin. New edition, in
four vols. Vol. I. ("A—Casp.") (Longmans.)—Mr. Martin, the well known author of The Statesman's Year Book, Is quite the right Men in the right place as editor of M'Cullooh's valuable work. This was originally published in 1841, it has been generally appreciated, and the time may be considered to have coma when the changes of snob a quarter of a century as that which has just elapsed should ho registered. Whether, under the circumstances of the Continent, and. from the consideration that Austria, is included in the present volume, it might not have been more prudent to postpone the revision foe a little while is a matter of opinion, that no doubt has been decided in, the negative for gnat and sufficient reasons. Accordingly we swept with gratitude the rectification that leaves that empire debited only with the loss of the 7,000 square miles of Lombardy, and the civil list of Belgium (110,010L) still in the possession of King Leopold U. It is difficult, however, to imagine that, end as the Conference may, the present year will leave the map of Europe as it found it. Let us hope that the corrections required will affect letters nearer" Z,"—" T" shall we- say ?--and that this excellent dictionary may thus derive all the benefit that it should from Mr. Martin'a caredul revision.