Current Literature.
Discourses Delivered on Special Occasions. By R. W. Dale, M.A. (Jackson, Walford, and Hodder.)—The world is getting more rational, if a Nonconformist congregation can bear to be......
The Changed Cross. The Words By L. P. W., Illuminations
by R- R. (Hardivicke ; Wakeling, Brighton.)—Seeing that this very pleasing specimen of chromolithography bears upon Its front the name of a. Brighton publisher, we are......
Ii'culloch's Geographical Dictionary. Edited By F....
four vols. Vol. I. ("A—Casp.") (Longmans.)—Mr. Martin, the well known author of The Statesman's Year Book, Is quite the right Men in the right place as editor of M'Cullooh's......
Father Front's Rapes. (bell And Daldy.)—the Death Of Mr....
has called attention to his works, and a regret has been expressed that they have not been published in a complete form. This is a mistake. A very good collection of them was......
A Glimpse Of Oriental Nature.*
Trim is nearly the most beautiful picture-book we have ever seen- Mr. Gleig, in his preface, tells us that the lady who painted these- very delicate and beautifully composed, as......