Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson
and John Fiske. Vol. III., Grinnell—Lockwood.
(D. Appleton, New York.)—This work is proceeding with a rapidity which promises to bring it to a conclusion within a desirably short time. Our readers must understand that " American " includes eminent or notorious personages in both of the American continents.
Hence, the scope of the book is considerable. Among the more notable articles in this volume are "Nathaniel Hawthorn," by G. W. Curtis ; " Lafayette" and "The Lee Family," by Professor Ti.ske ; "Abraham Lincoln," by Colonel John Hay; "Thomas Jefferson," by James Parton ; and "Henry Hudson," by General .J. M. Read. Living persons of eminence are included,—a practice of which it is difficult to approve except on the ground of its saving a supplement. The portraits which accompany many of the notices are a valuable feature.