[to The Editor Of The "spectator." I Sin,—if We Were
content to attach more importance to the value of time in working out our reforms, many of the diffi- culties in the way would disappear ; but we choose rather to delay......
The Compensation Clauses Of The Local Government Bill.
[To THZ EDITOR OF TEl " SPECTATOR...1. was glad to see that, in your able article of May 26th on the "Compensation Clauses," you pointed out a difficulty which has not, I think,......
The Co-operative Congress.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] SIR, - Will you allow me, as having been a delegate in attendance at the Co-operative Congress, to point out that, in consequence obviously......
Go The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—the Spectator Has...
excelled in giving an accurate account of the principles of Co-operation. The article in your issue of May 26th was a luminous statement of the question before the Dewsbury......