Gabrielle: or, Worth the Winning. By Mrs. John M. Bradshaw.
(W. H. Allen and Co.)—Two motherless children are adopted by Gabrielle: or, Worth the Winning. By Mrs. John M. Bradshaw. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—Two motherless children are adopted by
two lathes, and we are invited in this story to see what becomes of them under the different circumstances in which they are brought up. One is treated in a rational way, the other is spoilt; and they naturally show the effects of their training when the time of trial comes. The trial is applied by an unworthy lover, who is attracted by the charms of one sister, and the wealth of the other. There is something unreal in the circumstances of the story. Plots of this kind have had their day, and writers, if they are wise, will discard them. In spite of her subject, Mrs. Brad- shaw attains a certain measure of success ; but she has done better things than this.