The War against War. By Professor Christen Collin. With an
Introduction by William Archer. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. net.) --Professor Collin, the distinguished Norwegian critic, is a warm supporter of the cause of the Allies. A number of his thoughtful and eloquent articles on the war have been collected from the Norwegian Press and translated in this little volume. He has made good use of Bernhardi in hia controversies with German and Scandinavian opponents, incidentally showing that the egregious General's chief book was popular in Germany long before it was translated, contrary to the assertions of the German Professors, whose favourite theory is that the Germans were a peaceful folk whom we provoked to war. The author laments the folly of the peace parties among the neutrals. " So long as we live in an age of international lawlessness, we must look to our self-preservation with all our might."