Mr. Balfour Concluded His Most Successful Visit To The...
States last week and crossed the border into Canada, profoundly impressed, as he told his Toronto audience on -Saturday, with his American experiences, which had revealed to him......
The Times Goes On To Indulge In An Orgy Of
pessimism, and insists ,that beyond all question the Germans knew precisely where they were going and when they were there. They may, we are told, only have killed shopping......
The Times Then Goes On To Put The Culminating Misfit
suggestion .en its treatment of the subject by declaring—which is no doubt true per se—that anti-aircraft guns are of very little use, and insisting that we must have "......
The Times Appears To Have Been So Darkly Delighted With
its use of the word "invasion " that it employs it again in its second paragraph, and declares that the aeroplane is " the really formidable instrument of invasion." We are next......
The Hospital Ship Dover Castle, Formerly A Union-castle...
torpedoed and sunk without warning in the Megiterranean last Saturday. She was struele by a torpedo at 6 pan., and again by another torpedo at 8:a0 pm. Evidently, theZertnans......
But Though At First One Is Inclined To Be, As
the Daily Mail meantime to be, depressed lay this grim picture of 17,000 planes circling round one's devoted head, a little reflection will enable the householder to ask, almost......
The Daily Mail, Following Or' Leading Thel'imes (we...
which), published a " leader " on Monday headed " Invasion by the Air," in which we are told, precisely as in the Times, that the aeroplane, and not the Zeppelin, is the really......
-• A Daylight Raid By A Large Squadron Of German
aeroplanes— the first .raid of anything like this magnitude—occurred on the evening of Friday week. It is believed that there were at least six teen aeroplanes. Those who heard......
Mr. Balfour Was Welcomed At Ottawa By Sir Robert Borden
and by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who described England as " the home of Liberty and the terror of its enemies," and said that Canada was never so proud of England as she is to-day.......
The Impatient People Who Ask : " What Is America
doing to. win the war Y " should be soothed by the impressive statement in Tuesday's papers. Within seven weeks of declaring war, Ameries has -adopted a Selective -Draft law......
Though- Most Of The Newspapers, Greatly To Their Credit,...
a perfectly reasonable and unsensational line in regard to the raid, we regret to say that the Times and Daily Mail both showed signs of that excitable and neurasthenic mood......
Finally, The Daily Mail Becomes Ironical : " After All,
we have only been at war for lees than three years, so we can hardly be expected to understand that the life of a British father, mother, or child is as valuable as that of a......