The Times goes on to indulge in an orgy of
pessimism, and insists ,that beyond all question the Germans knew precisely where they were going and when they were there. They may, we are told, only have killed shopping people, " but the fact remains that their principle objectives were essentially of military importance," and that the plan for attaining them " was most carefully conceived and carried out." If this means anything, it means that the Germans might do some terrible piece of damage to an arsenal, or an explosive factory, or so forth. No doubt they could ; but that of course has been open to them ever since the beginning of the war, and yet they have never succeeded in doing it. What is more, they have never nude a great coup at the front, though they have tried very hard. The truth is that in any case we are much better off here than they are at the front, where bombing is going on perpetually on both sides. We are in no special danger at home, and such danger as there is is of the kind that has got to be endured because it can't be cured.