Mr. Balfour was welcomed at Ottawa by Sir Robert Borden
and by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who described England as " the home of Liberty and the terror of its enemies," and said that Canada was never so proud of England as she is to-day. We for our part have never been so proud of Canada as we are now. Her tremendous voluntary contributions in men and money to the war, and the superb courage and skill of her troops at Ypres and the Somme and Vimy, have delighted Englishmen and amazed the world. Mr. Balfour might well call the action of the Dominions, and the way in which they have all harmoniously co-operated with the Mother Country during the past three years, " a political miracle." Germany doubtless counted on their holding aloof ; the world at large probably expected from them no more than a very lukewarm participation in the fray. As it is, the Dominions have all willingly done their utmost for the Empire, and mean -to go on to the end.