Mr. Balfour concluded his most successful visit to the United
States last week and crossed the border into Canada, profoundly impressed, as he told his Toronto audience on -Saturday, with his American experiences, which had revealed to him the " funda- mental identities of thought, feeling, aspirations, and -outlook " that underlie the civilization of the English-speaking peoples. In Canada, where he had to address the Senate at- Ottawa both in French and in English, Mr. Balfour was able to take a still larger view of the civilization which is now fighting for its life. The English and the Latin, as well as the Slav, peoples are united • in their democratic principles, and they are waging war on autocracy. " We have staked our last dollar on democracy," said Mr..Balfour, " and if democracy fails, then we are bankrupt." It is not an easy form of government, but if only we have faith in the principle, we shall overcome any difficulties.