ANGLING IN scoTtAND - [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
is a pity that Mr. William Robertson's otherwise pleasant and informative article on this subject, which appears in your issue of May 26th, should be marred by a misstatement of so serious a kind as to be positively dangerous to our visitors from South of Tweed. "Let it be distinctly understood," writes Mr. Robertson, "that every angler may, without let or hindrance, fish for sea trout or salmon in tidal waters." The very reverse of this is the case, and the angler w:to in many rivers pursues his sport in tidal waters on the assumption that he may do so without risk of challenge may speedily find that he is liable to be prosecuted in the local Sheriff Court as having contravened the Salmon Fisheries IScotland) Act, 1844, which is confirmed and made more emphatic by the -Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act, 1868.-1 am, Sir, &c., HENRY LAMOND. . Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association, . Cleveland Bank, Luss.