2 JUNE 1933, page 16

Rear Lights For Bicycles [to The Editor Of _the Spectator.]

SIR,—All those who, like myself, have had to investigate road accidents will welcome the plea of Mr. Herbert Morrison, who speaks with experience as Minister of Transport in the......

Metiiods Of Justice

[To the Editor of TI1E SPF.CTATOR.1 S1R,—Whatever one may think of the proceedings of the Moscow Trial, there is no doubt that feeling has been intensi- fied by the system of......

High Protection [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...

of Sir John Simon's speech in the House of Commons in reply to Sir Herbert Samuel's inquiry as to the Government's proceeding on the June Conference, was typical of the method......

Mahatma Gandhi [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sin,—" Mr.

Gandhi becomes progressively more inscrutable. No comprehensible reason for his latest decision is forth- coming."—The Spectator, May 5th. The decision of the Mahatma to fast......

Advertising- Ourselves " The Editor Of The Spectator.]...

London will be at home to a multitude • , , of foreign visitors. . Delegates to the International Cong re v ; of Building SoCieties, which opens on June 5th, and to th e World......